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Dokkum is the northernmost town in the Netherlands and one of the oldest in the eleven cities, ’the Elfsteden”. Most of the time the city is brought in connection with Boniface, who was murdered in 754. However, Dokkum has far more to offer! The city itself has remained very well preserved, a fortress town where the rich history is evident everywhere. Until the 18th century the city had a direct connecting to the sea and therefor Dokkum was an important port city for a long time. Located at the former Harbor (the ’Grootdiep’) the ’Admiraliteitshuis’ still remembers of the time when the navy of Friesland and Groningen was settled in Dokkum. Today the monumental building is a museum whichh is more than worth a visit!
Explore Dokkum
It is possible to explore the city on your own. Walks along the canals, along the streets as well as over the bulwarks of the town invite everyone to feel the special atmosphere of the city, and to enjoy its historic past combined with the vitality of a modern shopping town. One is surprised by the abundant supply of shopping possibilities and the variety of coffee shops and restaurants. Also found in Dokkum are various galleries and museums, a theatre, a zoo and a subtropical swimming pool.
Furthermore, Dokkum offers the perfect location for further excursions into the surroundings. Directly south of the city begins the unique picturesque landscape of the Northern Frisian Woodland, which is regarded as a national landscape. To the north lies a vast marshland, surrounded by dikes, mounds, and beautiful villages. The National Park ’Lauwersmeer’ is easily accessible by bicycle and a day trip to Ameland or Schiermonnikoog is no problem.
In short: don’t be scared to stay more than one day in Dokkum! We invite you to this beautiful Frisian town and its surroundings.
Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel