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Main regions

East-West, Home is best, the Dutch saying goes. In Friesland you could say, North, East, South, West, all of it is best. Friesland is worth visiting in all of its directions and has unique properties that are very popular with visitors, tourists, and residents. On this page, we have tried to map these properties. We did this by dividing the province of Friesland into six main regions. The landscape variation in these main regions is enormous and is determined by nature, cultural history, and land use.
In the North, you have the Waddensea coastal area, the Wadden Sea itself and the Wadden Islands. They are famous for their much-praised sandy beaches. In the East, we find Northeast Friesland. A vast area, full of mounds, medieval churches, and ancient historic villages that have been built around it. If you descend to the south you will arrive in Southeast Friesland. The landscape here gradually changes into a hedged landscape with protected status and then wooded areas. The Frise-Wouden area is centrally located and it merges seamlessly into the Drents-Friese Wold.
On the other side of the province, you will find the vast Greidhoeke in Northwest Friesland. Here too you also have many ancient mounds and, as the word 'Greidhoeke' suggests (greide = meadow), many hectares of meadows with associated flora and fauna such as birds and small and large livestock. On the east side of this area, you will find 'Het Bildt'. Again a wide area, but this part is all about arable farming. Especially potatoes are grown here. Fabulous routes lead through old meandering sea dikes for cycling or to explore at your leisure by car or convertible. Lastly, the landscape of Southwest Friesland is dominated by water. Here you will find the famous IJsselmeer coastal area with old harbors and fishing towns such as Hindeloopen, Stavoren, and Workum. But you will also find the popular Frisian Lake District here with famous tourist places such as Langweer, Heeg and Woudsend.
In short, we mean it: 'North, East, South, West, all of it is best in Friesland!'