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Friesland: undoubtedly the most idiosyncratic province of the Netherlands. And according to many, also the most beautiful. It is obvious that Friesland is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. Although it can be quite busy in some places in the summer season, Friesland is generally synonymous with space and tranquility. Nowhere in the Netherlands will you find such a wide variety in landscapes as in Friesland. The impressive tidal area of the Wadden Sea, the Wadden Islands with their endless sandy beaches, the beautiful, still largely undiscovered "terpengebied", the unique scenic landscape of the Northern Frisian Forests, the forests in the southeast of the province and in the breathtaking sloping Gaasterland, the beautiful IJsselmeer coast and of course the famous Frisian Lakes.
The beautiful, varied landscape goes side by side with a rich and varied nature. Four out of a total of twenty National Parks are (partly) in Friesland: Schiermonnikoog, the Lauwersmeer area, the Âlde Feanen and the Drents Friese Wold. And the entire wadden region was even recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site in 2009. In addition to those large areas, Friesland also has numerous small scenic jewels, which are managed by It Fryske Gea or Natuurmonumenten. The rich cultural history is visible and palpable almost everywhere in Friesland: mounds with ancient medieval churches, old dikes, mills, pumping stations, peat excavations, canals, waterways and the renowned Frisian Eleven cities. In addition, Friesland has numerous small-scale and often very charming museums that illuminate the local history in an original way.
But Friesland has more to offer than just past and rich heritage! Museums for contemporary art, galleries, sculpture gardens, etc. Festivals in Friesland? Choose: music, theatre, opera ... Events in Friesland? The Elfstedentocht, the Sneekweek, kûtsjesilen or the PC, the Wimbledon of "kaatsen"... But there are many other events in Friesland, large and small.
Friesland: the most diverse and complete province of the Netherlands. Friesland has something on offer to everyone: young, old, families with children, lovers of tranquility and space, but also those who want a little more action. Friesland is everything: beautiful landscapes, beautiful nature, a rich culture, plenty of activity and a friendly atmosphere. And in Friesland everything is possible: cycling, walking, shopping and good food; boundless sailing, sailing, rollerblading or horse riding; lazing on the beach, kite surfing, yachting and swimming; ice skating, ice sailing, eating ice cream, having a drink on a terrace ...
Welcome to Friesland!