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©: Erica Schaafsma

The beautiful little village Stiens is located in the North of Holland in the Province of Friesland. Approximately 7800 people are living in the quiet and green surrounding of the traditional Dutch landscape of wide fields, sheep and wind mills. Within this nice village it is impossible to not feel the spirit of traditional Holland.

This destination is perfectly situated in a natural surrounding in the near of the city Leeuwarden and therefore part of the municipality Leeuwarderadeel. The attractive city center of Stiens offers natural and cultural buildings reflecting the traditional site of the Dutch life style.

Stiens has perfect conditions for people interested in natural and cultural resources. The Sint Vituskerk builds the town center and represents the frisian history. Wide fields and bicycle routes serve the best environment for sportive people willing to hike, bike and enjoy the nature. In the city center are several opportunities to sleep, to drink and to eat. Several Restaurants, Bars or a Bed&Breakfast are available to relax or relish the stay in a nice Dutch atmosphere. With offering music nights and theater events the city attracts many different kinds of visitors spending the evening together. Furthermore a big variety of shops and boutiques seduce the visitors to spend a peaceful and harmonious day within the city center of Stiens.

The striking distance to Leeuwarden invites the visitors for daytrips to experience the busy city life. Finally it has to be said that Stiens is a destination offering services and resources for all different kinds of groups like families, couples or seniors. Everyone has to get the possibility in their lifetime to experience this kind of traditional Frisian life.

For more information please visit the website of the municipality of Leeuwarderadeel (www.Leeuwarderadeel.nl).


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: Erica Schaafsma
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Nieuwe encyclopedie van Fryslân voor slechts € 29,90 incl. verzenden!

Bijna 8 kilogram aan kennis over Friesland! Wees er snel bij want op is op.

De Nieuwe Encyclopedie van Fryslân is een onmisbare aanvulling in de boekenkast voor iedereen die gek is van Fryslân en meer wil weten van deze provincie. Op 15 september 2016 verscheen de vierdelige encyclopedie die rond de 3000 pagina’s telt, 11.000 trefwoorden bevat en ruim 8 kilo weegt. De encyclopedie staat bomvol actuele kennis over Fryslân en is een echte pageturner geworden.

Voor al diegenen die dit standaardwerk over Fryslân altijd al hadden willen hebben! Nu voor een wel heel speciaal prijsje! Maar let op! Op = Op!