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©: FrieslandWonderland

International water sports centre
Grou is located at the lake of Pikmeer and the canal of Prinses Margrietkanaal. Grou is the capital city of the community of Boarnsterhim. In the past Grou was an important centre of skippers, fishermen and businessmen.

Sportsmanship and cosiness
The centre of Grou is very cosy. The nice shops invite you to shop. Furthermore the various catering facilities offer possibilities for youngsters and elderly people. Going out in Grou has a sportsmanlike character. On summer nights the terraces along the waterside are full with water sports people. At the old village centre there are a lot of shopping facilities.

The 8 of Grou
If you don’t like the water you can enjoy yourselve in Grou as well. Grou knows an extensive cycle path network. A route called the ‘Pontjesroute’ is very special. This route is also known as 'the 8 of Grou'.

Harbour facilities
Along the canal of Pr. Margrietkanaal there are very good harbour facilities. Also the harbours at the north-east of the village and at the water sports park 'Yn’e Lijte' are centrally located.

‘Sinterklaas’ festival
The Dutch celebrate the festival of ‘Sinterklaas’. Except for the inhabitants of Grou. They stick to their own traditions. Since the protestant period Grou stayed loyal to the holy Sint Piter. No ‘Sinterklaas’ festival is celebrated in Grou. This festival is celebrated since the beginning of the century. Sometimes Sinterklaas and Sint Piter are compared with each other, although these two festivals are completely different. The date of celebration is different, and the clothes, the horse, the tradition, the duration and the departure is different.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel
NLP: Beleef Friesland

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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