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Franeker, the star of the 'Elfsteden'. We welcome you to the city in which the second university of the Netherlands was built in 1585. Even though the university is closed nowadays, it certainly left its marks throughout the city. There are still numerous impressive buildings, which can be found close to the Hortus Botanicus just behind the Academiestraat. Furthermore, the oldest student pub of the country is located in Franeker. Still, most of the old monuments in the city derive from the time prior to the university, when Franeker was the main trade centre in Friesland.
Nowadays, Franeker is a lively city, which offers numerous shops, bars and restaurants. Furthermore, tourists have the possibility to visit the museum or the theatre. However, the most important tourist attraction is the famous planetarium of Eise Eisenga. But still, Franeker has even more to offer!The city’s secrets can best be explored by taking a guided tour or you can organize your own discovery tour. You can stroll along the canals, enjoy the silence of the Martentuin or experience the magic of the “Sjûkelân”, the Wimbledon of the “Kaatssport”.
The beautiful surroundings can best be discovered by bike or hiking. The Frisian islands Vlieland, Terschelling and Ameland are nearby and are easily worth a daytrip.
Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel