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Terraces along the waterside
A modern village in which water sports are playing the main role. Spacious terraces and great restaurants.
Charming streets
Within the village of Woudsend you enjoy the atmosphere of history. Renovated canal houses and charming small streets. Discover the secrets of this old sea village undertaking a walk through the village. Two beautiful mills sign the view of the village. Mill ’’t Lam’ still grinds grain. Watch this amazing mill and take delicious flour with you to make your own bread.
Restaurant of church?
Finish your day with a lovely lunch, cup of coffee or dinner. Restaurant ’’t Ponkje’ you will have you dinner in a previous church. For 35 years this holy building is a restaurant. When you walk through the doors of the church it looks like the religious worship just ended. Curved windows of stained glass, a pulpit and other religious elements staid intact. Enjoy your dinner heavenly!
• The Shantyfestival of Woudsend is a real experience. Enjoy the many choirs which are scattered throughout the village. A free market for children and historical dressed town-criers colour the festival cultural.
• During ’Skûtsjesilen’ the terraces of Woudsend are full! This is a typical Frisian water sport. Next to this Woudsend is located centrally when you want to enjoy more of this popular sailing event.
• ’‘t Lam’ is an old-fashioned mill and still grinds grain. Watch this amazing mill grinding and take delicious flour with you to make your own bread.
Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel
FYP: Gemeente Sudwest Fryslân