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Warns is a small village, but there is a lot of potential for the village to become a tourist destination. There are many quaint and unique features in Warns. One of the most unique selling points for Warns is the campground: de Weyde Blick. The campground is recently renovated and has beautiful rooms available for the guests. The main housing area can sleep twenty guests, and it is fully furnished with a common living room, a beautiful kitchen and a basement and playground where the children can play while the adults relax. There are other sleeping accommodations offered as well. Guests can rent out a mobile home on the property or choose to sleep in the furnished bungalows to get more of the camping atmosphere. There is also space for guests to rent if they bring along their own tent or motorhome where electricity and water is available. There is even an in ground pool that sits at the front of the campground for guests to take a dip to cool off when the sun is shining down in the summer months.
In addition from the campground it is only an approximately fifteen minutes walk away to the Ijsselmeer, where you can find the smallest harbor from Holland too on which you can sail. The village has a small touristic industry, there are a lot of business in the sailing boats and the village has one main restaurant. It is a very sporty village, since the paved road makes it easy to bike, skate and rollerblade. Furthermore, it is a little artist village as it has a theater and two artists resided. It is a good mix of people, some of them are raised in Warns and the other half has come to live in Warns. For instance, there is a couple living in Warns, but working in Detroit America. They made a documentary about teen mothers in Detroit and it is played in the theater. Next to that Warns is surrounded by ancient villages such as Stavoren, Workum and Gaasteland which provides differences in environment.
From the quaint and cozy campground to the beautiful view from the coast of the North Sea, Warns has a lot to offer tourist looking for a quiet and relaxing vacation. Taking a trip to Warns will be calming and remind the tourists of a simpler way of life. Locals will send a smile and a friendly greeting. The small supermarket and bakery give people the opportunity to pack a picnic for lunch while they sit under the sun. One nicely paved road runs through Warns making it easy for tourists to find their way throughout the village. During a walk through Warns, one will gaze at vast, lush green farm lands scattered with fluffy sheep. While walking towards the coast, the sea breeze will make one step back and take in the beauty of the village. Warns really is a breath of fresh air.
The camping has a website where guests can look at pictures, learn about the accommodations offered and even book their stay. The camping website is: http://www.deweydeblick.nl/
Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel
FYP: Gemeente Sudwest Fryslân