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Sneek, is the most famous city within the eleven Frisian cities. This degree of popularity is due to its characteristic “waterpoort”, in translation “watergate”. The city is also famous for the Sneekweek which is one of the biggest events on inland waters in Europe. Therefore, Sneek especially attracts water sport tourists. It lies in the middle of the Frisian lake district and is therefore most suitable for all activities related to water. But not only the surroundings of Sneek shows the city’s historical bound to water, but also the ample opportunities of transportation on the water within the city centre.
Besides the extensive offer for water activities Sneek also offers all kind of other recreational facilities, such as many shopping streets, restaurants, bars and cafes.
In addition, the city offers historical and cultural heritage to explore. Visitors can do this by either taking a stroll through the historic city centre or visiting the Frisian Maritime Museum or the Museum of Antiques.
Moreover, located just behind the main train station, you can find the popular Miniature Train Museum which is exciting for all audiences. Leaving from the train station you even have the chance to experience a ride on a traditional steam train going to Stavoren using the longest tourism steam train railroad of the Netherlands.
Do not miss this unique experience!
Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel