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The area around de Langweerder Wielen is an unique piece of Fryslan. Nowhere you will find such a small area with such a big landscape contrast: The space around it and the openness of the area with the Wielen and the Koevordermeer, the intimacy of the forest at Sint Nicolaasga. The past is clearly visible and the area breaths the recognizable ‘grandeur’: the picturesque somewhat chic Langweer; the forests with their own solemn lanes and monumental estates; the classy Joure; but many more monumental farmhouses in the countryside as well!
The past is responsible for its special atmosphere. Due to its favourable position near the water, Langweer was developing around 1600 unto a market and harbour place with a weight house, a ‘regthuys’ (courthouse) and several luxurious houses for the upper class, among which Osingastate. A comparison between the beautiful old photographs from the book ‘Trije Swannen yn folle Flecht’ (Three swans in full flight) and the current situation has shown that the village’s historical character remains. According to many, De Buorren is the nicest street of Friesland. Because of it’s charm, in combination with the beautiful environment, water sports possibilities and known Dutch people the village may count to its regular guests.
Nowadays, it is hard to imagine but in the past Joure was also an important harbour place as both England and Scandinavie traded this harbour. Besides the trade, the necessary furnitureshops, clockshops, ship yards and copper ware shops and of course the coffee shop of Douwe Egberts started to exist. The village started to develop itself as a so called ‘vlecke’, a place who is responsible for the centre between a village and a city. The city sights and the rich past provide Joure with its very own face.
Also in the forest area of Sint Nicolaasga are different estates. The Vegelinbossen are called after a certain person who planted them in the 18th century, Johan Vegelin van Claerbergen. This man, who’s family relatives are still owning some of the forests, was also the driving force behind the reclamation of the low parts in the areas. The walking forest Wilhelminaoord was planted in the mid nineties. The forests were formed and are still forming an attraction for the daytrip visitors from the area. At the hostel ‘Huis ter Heide’, a flask course was constructucted. Both have disappeared however. Much later came the current 18 holes golf course.
The area is in the first place a paradise for the watersports visitors. Langweer is a watersports village with style and tradition. The local sailclub was established in 1859 and is one of the oldest of the Netherlands. De Langweerder Wielen are directly linked with the rest of the Friese Meren area. They form the décor for yearly competitions, for example the famous skûtsjesilen. If you wish to sail yourself you can go to the sail school Neptunus in Idskenhuizen, the birth place of Egbert Douwers, founder of Douwe Egberts. If you like to remain on the shore, this is no problem as well. Per bike, motor, by foot or by riding on skeelers u can discover the area just fine. Take for example the ‘pontjes’ route. (See on route zuidwest friesland.nl at langweer ). Or create your own route with the help of the sophisticated system of bike junctions.
There is so much to see and so much to do in Joure that it is easy to fill up one whole day. Combine for example a morning shopping and visit the Museum Joure that is localisated in a beautiful industrial complex from the late ninethees. The new and unique Puzzle museum has opened in 2008 as well and it is worth to visit. Or participate in the Jouster Kuierke, a cultural historical hike through the village, under the supervision of a guide. For people who prefere art, there is a choice of four galleries.
One time per year, during a number of big, spectacular events, the village is extra cosy; the Boerebrulloft, the Balloon feasts (both in end of july) and the Jouster Merke (end of September). Especially in the summer months there are numerous other smaller activities organised. If you wish to participate in a special activity, we recommend you to join a course of fierjeppen at the local fierljeporganisation.