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In the calm and peaceful pastures of the North-Netherlands, there is a small village called ‘Oudebildtzijl’ which is booming with a pleased atmosphere and a unique history. This could be your perfect destination to escape the pressures of the daily life!
In the year 1505 the dykes and the floodgate ‘De pyp’ were built which created the village Oudebildtzijl. Nowadays, Oudebildtzijl is a village which counts around 1000 inhabitants. The locals are very hostile and this also reflex at the atmosphere of Oudebildtzijl. The locals describe themselves as individuals with their own local products, activities and festivals. For instance the ‘Pypskoft’ festival and the village-festival which are taking place each other year. During the ‘Pypskoft’ festival there are many exhibitions and music which is made by local artists. Furthermore, Oudebildtzijl is not only appeal because of its cultural resources but also the great natural heritage which they possess. Oudebildtzijl is located at the beginning of the longest street of the Netherlands in a great natural area, this makes Oudebildtzijl very appealing for nature lovers, such as cyclers and birdwatchers. Oudebildtzijl offers a wide variety of cycle and canoe routes and has its own tourism centre which teaches about the history, and Oudebildtzijl nowadays. Also unique for the small size of the village is that it possesses two churches, two primary schools, a hostel ‘De witte klok’, a small private owned supermarket and a café. Nearby there is also a campsite located which therefore makes Oudebildtzijl appealing to all kind of target groups.
As mentioned before, even though Oudebildtzijl is a rather small village there are still plenty of things to experience. It is a great place to relax and come to your inner self again. Furthermore, Oudebildtzijl teaches about Dutch history but also specifically their own history.
If you are ready for a trip close to nature and a part of Dutch history you should defiantly visit Oudebildtzijl. This visit will not only be educational but also very relaxing, because of the good atmosphere and the feeling of being away from the pressures of the daily life.
Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel