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"Heart of Friesland," Grou is often called. In a literal sense, there is in any case little to deny: the village is located approximately in the middle of the province. But also in a transferable sense there is a lot to be said for that name: Grou is a symbol of Fryslân as a watersports province. Not for nothing is the village the beautiful backdrop for the opening competition of the annual Skûtsjesilen on Pikmeer and the Wijde Ee. Especially in the months of June, July, and August, Grou is a very busy and vibrant water sports center. But the village has more to offer than just the water, much more.
Before the advent of water recreation, Grou was already a thriving village. The central location and the abundance of water were favorable for trade, shipping, fishing and related activities, such as shipyards, sailmakers and rope makers. There was not only a lot of water around the village but also in the village. Most of it has disappeared, but the "archipelago structure" is still clearly visible. The combination with the often prominent buildings creates an attractive and somewhat sophisticated ambiance.
A unique event is the "Sint Piterfeest", which is celebrated every year on 21 February and is more or less the Grouster variant of the Sinterklaasfeest. The festival is named after the patron saint of fishermen and skippers. The impressive 12th-century church is also dedicated to this Sint Piter. Other attractions are the mineralogical museum and the town hall built in 1942, with the De Trije Grietenijen museum in the basement.
South of Grou is Akkrum, another typical water sports village. A little less crowded than Grou, but also very lively and pleasant. The village forms the link between the Frisian Lakes and the Turfroute, a recreational sailing route through southeastern Fryslân, part of the province of Overijssel and the western part of Drenthe. Just like Grou, Akkrum is also attractive for non-water sports enthusiasts. Due to the alternation of mostly characteristic buildings with beautiful open spaces, it is a distinctly beautiful village. Very special is Coopersburg, built in 1901 as a "home for the less fortunate elderly". It is named after the wealthy founder Folkert Harmens Kuiper, who as a 23-year-old emigrated from Akkrum to America and called himself Cooper there. He had a beautiful mausoleum built for himself and his wife in the associated park. Another point of interest is Welgelegen, built in 1924 as a "home for unmarried ladies and widows". Art lovers can go to ’Atelier Wynske’ and ’Zuup’ in Nes. And do you want something completely different? Participate in the Open Frisian "Slingeraap" Championship (cross the river hanging on a rope), which is held annually in Akkrum.
The Kromme Knilles (Crooked Knilles) is also swinging from left to right, as the river Boarne between Akkrum and the Prinses Margrietkanaal is called. On the other side of that channel lies the village of Jirnsum, an atmospheric watersports village, a bit quieter than Akkrum. Here the Boarne has the meaningful name "Rak van Ongemak" (Rak of Incomfort): the many curves made it difficult to sail. The history of the village is expanded and beautifully articulated and depicted on www.irnsum.nl.
Outside the three water sports villages you will find an oasis of peace. Endless meadows, water, beautiful views, monumental farms and here and there a quiet village. A paradise for cyclists, riders, hikers, and roller-skaters. You can rent bicycles in Grou or Akkrum. A beautiful and well-documented route is "De 8 van Grou", available at the Tourist Office. But of course, you can also discover the area on your own. A must for nature lovers is the area around Goëngahuizen, south of the Pikmeer and the Wijde Ee. Here are the ’Botmar’ and the ’Unlân van Jelsma en Kobbelân’. Three wooden spinning-head mills complete the picture.
Grou may be "the heart of Friesland", the actual center is Eagum, one of the smallest villages in the province. At least, it was once the center of attention. Perhaps. According to tradition, the striking church tower, which has been standing all by itself for several centuries, stands right next to the center of the world.
Curious? Go look and see.