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Egbert Douwes and the Frisian Balloon Feasts/b>
Joure cannot be called a city but outgrew the name of village. That is why Joure is called a ‘Vlecke’. This means the place is midway between a village and a city.
Industrial history/b>
The many monuments and curiosities share the memory of an industrial history. This hard-working ‘vlecke’ kept a lot of occupations in the past days. Later on they were known especially for their ship-building and clockwork industries.
Egbert Douwes/b>
In 1753 a man named Egbert Douwes started a shop with coffee, tea, tobacco and colonial goods which became the starting point of the current Douwe Egberts commercial enterprise.
The biggest balloon event of Europe/b>
During the summer season Joure has something extra to offer. Joure is known as a place in which a lot of events are organized. Probably you already know about the popular Frisian Balloon Feasts – the biggest balloon event of Europe. And do you know the Farmer Wedding? This is an historical wedding organised at the park of Herema State.
• The centuries old village festival of Joure is very famous. The festival is held since 1492 and nowadays it is one of the biggest Frisian year markets with over 200 stands.
• Visit the street festival Op’e Sjouwer and World Championship Solexrace in Joure as well!
Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel