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For many, Friesland is synonymous with water sports. This is mainly due to the enormous popularity of the Frisian lake area as a holiday destination. Every year the Frisian Lakes region is the domain of water sports enthusiasts. They sail over the lakes and moor at the dozens of marinas or passers-by at the popular water sports locations, the name of which sound familiar to many. Sneek, Joure, Langweer, Heeg, Elahuizen, Terherne just to name a handful.
In addition, during the season numerous water sports events are organized in the area of which the skûtsjesilen, organized by the SKS and the IFKS, is perhaps the most appealing to the imagination. But don’t forget the Sneekweek. The largest sailing event in the world on inland water.
The Frisian lake area is perfectly equipped for all types of water sports enthusiasts, there are maintenance and boat rental companies. Sailboats in all kinds of classes, sloops or yachts from large to small can be rented in all water sports locations.