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A peaceful place surrounded by water and nature
Eastermar is a small village with around 1600 inhabitants that is surrounded by nature and water.
It is located in northern-east of Friesland between Leeuwarden and Drachten, surrounded by green fields and two big lakes, the Burgumermeer and De Leien, that cheer the hearts of everyone who is in love with nature and water.
The historical village is thus not only easy reachable by car and bicycle, but also easy to reach by everyone who arrives by boat over the unique Frisian waterways. Eastermar provides its visitors a quiet and peaceful stay that is underlined through the beauty of its historical buildings and the natural resources around it.
The small elongated village consists out of two prior independent parts, It Heechsân and De Wal, and has its roots in medieval ages as an agricultural settlement. Within the 18th century, the village increased importance through peat extraction in the surroundings, as well as through its great connection to the Frisian waterways. The small canal and several old buildings situated in the village create an atmosphere of how life has been in ancient ages.
The centre of the village is defined by cosy houses and several small shops that offer essentials as well as local products. Moreover, the village comprises a pleasant hotel and guest house, a small quaint theatre and multiple possibilities to rest for dining and enjoying cold and warm drinks.
The small marina of Eastermar is located directly next to the village centre and can be seen as the hotspot of the village. It can act as the starting point to discover the beautiful nature of the Burgumermeer and De Leien by water, but also as the perfect ending point for a daytrip on the water. Visitors reach all important facilities in the village within a 2-minutes walk from the marina to the village centre.
Yet, not only boat owners and nature lovers get their moneys worth:
Fishing sport aficionados love the comprehensive abundance of fish in the surrounded waters and cyclists find a bike shop in Eastermar, where spares can be bought and bikes can be rented. In the warmer months, different village festivals take place in Eastermar, which attract people of all ages. The village mostly gets a warm place within the hearts of everyone who has ever visited it – this is also demonstrated by the international top model Doutzen Kroes who says to be a proud ex resident of Eastermar.
Eastermar is the perfect place for everyone who wants to get out of the stress and crowded streets of their daily lives in a city.
Enjoyment of nature and beautiful waterways, ancient buildings and a quaint village centre pour on the peaceful charm of Eastermar, which makes it definitely worth to visit this quiet and idyllic place within Friesland. The village provides its visitors all important facilities to enjoy their stay and leads them to leaving all their cares behind....
For further information about Eastermar, please take a look at the information provided on
www.frieslandwonderland.nl or visit the official websites
www.eastermar.nl and
The local tourist information centre is open daily between 09.00 and 19.00 o clock and located at Beimastrjitte 53 in Eastermar.
©text: D.Schirrmacher, G.Stelwagen
Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel