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The city trip of a lifetime!
De Westereen is, a rather small but beautiful village of the municipality of Dantumadeel. De Westereen is easy accessible by car or by train, as there is a stopover between Leeuwarden and Groningen. It has a camping site as well as a harbor, both with some unique benefits. Situated in the Fryske Wâlden, De Westereen is surrounded by pastures, trees and water. Because of the remote location, this village is rather quiet and ideal for biking tours and hiking routes. There are endless opportunities where you can walk in the forest, through the pastures and along the rivers all while enjoying the breathtaking environment and quietness. In the evening, a local restaurant offers several kinds of activities.
The accommodations
Just outside of De Westereen lies the campsite de Kuikhorne. This family friendly camping site offers a great variety of stading places, for either camper, caravan or chalets. This camping site has a swimming pond, a playground and multiple activities such as horse riding, biking tours and hiking routes. Right next to the campsite there is the harbor of De Westereen. Both, during the winter and during the summer, you can harbor your boat there. Moreover, it is possible to hire a room on the harbor, with your own bedroom and kitchen. Lastly, this harbor provides the possibility to go on a canoe route. This gives an exclusive opportunity to see the Westereen from the water.
The Old Dutch
However, the crème de la crème of De Westereen lies in the local restaurant called the Old Dutch. This restaurant is located next to the train station and looks like any other typical restaurant, which prepares dinner for you. Though, this cozy and warm restaurant can also be used as a clubhouse and party centre. But above all, several times a week this restaurant offers a fun activity. “Crazy Casino”, “Ik hou van Holland” and “In de Bajes” are some of the activities the Old Dutch provides. De Westereen has it al. Quietness for those who want to escape from their busy lifes’, activities for all generations, a place to stay and above all a beautiful environment.
For more information please check the following links. http://www.dantumadiel.eu/wonen-verkeer-en-veiligheid/de-westereen_41511/ http://www.kuikhorne.nl/ http://www.old-dutch.com/
Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel