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The Wadden area is unique in the world. It is obvious that the largest part has been designated by UNESCO as World Heritage. The landscape was created after the last ice age, around 7000 years ago. In geological terms that is very young. And the landscape is still changing, almost as you look at it.
The Wadden are also unique in terms of living nature. There is no comparable wealth and variation of flora and fauna anywhere else in the world. No fewer than 10,000 different plants and animals live in the area. Permanent residents, but also frequent visitors: 10 to 12 million migratory birds use the area every year in spring and autumn.
. The Wadden islands, that form a natural boundary between Waddensea and Northsea, offer a pleasant mix of nature, tranquility, cultural history. Charming villages, beautiful beaches, forests, dunes, events, entertainment and all kinds of sporting activities. Despite similarities, each and every island unmistakably has its own atmosphere. In fact, the Wadden Sea region cannot really be captured in words. It has to be lived, experienced, and tasted on the spot.