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Why do YOU have to go to Burgum? And why is Burgum so attractive for tourists? These main questions will definitely be answered in the following text, so just keep reading and try to find out. The beautiful city of Burgum provides many different activities in an outstanding landscape with a peaceful and calm environment. The most popular tourism attraction is the “Burgumer Mer” which is worth visiting due to its great offer in terms of activities. Sailing, canoeing, fishing, walking, trekking, biking and many other activities can be done in this lake area which is surrounded by forests and nature. It is highly recommended to relax with the boat or kayak in the water or maybe to visit other places and towns around the lake. Furthermore, two main beaches which are located nearby the lake and the camping ground invite for a sun bath or relaxing. The camping ground provides different facilities for sporting activities. Why don’t you come to Burgum for a camping holiday the next time? Beach volleyball is one of the most popular activities in the summer; where you can meet and socialize. Done with playing and relaxing? You definitely have to go to the shopping street of Burgum. The main street of the village is the perfect place to be. Many different shops are located around and extra tourist information will be offered in the sports shop at the end of the street nearby the HEMA. Some small boutiques can be found which doubtless offer you the newest trends for the season. When going around and exploring the city you will definitely meet local people, don’t hesitate to chat or ask questions – the inhabitants of Burgum are really open minded and very friendly. Relaxing and having a dinner in this peaceful town is highly recommended since several bars and smaller restaurants provide enough space and places. Furthermore, at the end of the main street the “Schoolstraat” will start. In this street the church Krustsjerke can be found. This church was built in the 10th century and also consists of its own cemetery. Another aspect which makes the city of Burgum so attractive are the cultural buildings and houses. Are you looking for some cultural aspects? The “Schoolstraat” and the “Lageweg” are the places to be. One of the most popular houses is the country house of the family Ferf. This house was built in 1855 and is located at the end of the “Schoolstraat”. More cultural buildings can be found in the “Lageweg”.
Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel