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©: FrieslandWonderland

When searching for an authentic little Frisian terp village, Marrum is a perfect option to visit during a cycle of hiking tour. The village is established in the 11th century, 17 kilometers from Leeuwarden. Marrum counts approximately 1500 inhabitants, which also indicates the small size of this small terp village. Marrum is built around a small church which is called the ‘’Godeharduskerk‘’. The church dates from the 13th century and with its rebuilding, material of the previous church is used. The combination of the church together with the surrounding houses, which all have old characteristics of the old shops that were located in Marrum, make that the village breathes a nice and peaceful atmosphere.

Especially when riding with your bike through Friesland, Marrum is perfect to visit and to stop for a small break. Besides the church, there are windmills and an old train station which are both definitely worth it to visit. In addition, the ‘’Seedikstertour’’ is recommended to visit because it provides a beautiful view of the flat, wide and open area. Also this would be a nice place to take a break from cycling or walking, as well as from driving the car on the way to Holwerd. All in all Marrum is especially attractive for those who would like to experience an old characteristic village from Friesland.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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