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Between lakes and wide grass-lands
A pleasant and picturesque village aside the 'Langweerder Wielen'. The immemorial lime trees give the main street a scenic atmosphere. The main street has a great offer of shops and catering industries with cosy terraces.
Country house of Osinga
The country house of Osinga from 1631 is worth your visit for 100 percent. The country house was resided through noble families. Until mister S. Hessel Roorde committed suicide. After this occurence the family closed the house. The next 30 years nobody entered the house again. Till at 1860. Still their clothes lay on the floor and the cups on the table.
Visit the reformed church and her ages-old organ, 'De Waag' and the 'Regtshuys'. In past history this building was a house of justice. Since 1600 every Thursday people were justified. At that time it was a very busy day in Langweer as there was a market as well. From the waterside you immediately see the old mill of 'Sweachmermolen'. This is a mill grinding grain to flower. Nowadays you can rent is as an overnight stay as well.
Dutch Championship ‘Klunen’
It happens in Langweer! ‘Walk’ on your ice skates when it is 25 degrees above zero. This activity is called ‘klunen’ and is done during an official Championship! On the way is laying carpet, straw, ice and snow to imitate a real ‘kluun’ course. So, a spectacularly event supported with live music, dressed up people en an ‘après-kluun-festival’.
Langweer is part of the ‘skûtsjes’ championship on the Frisian lakes. Traditionally the competition 'Langweerder Wielen' takes place on the first Thursday of the Championship. Because the next day is a day of rest, the ships will stay within the harbour. Thousands of people visit this festal event!
• Within the forest between Langweer and St. Nicolaasga is situated a lovely golfing course with 18 holes.
• During the summer period you can sail away on the ‘Skûtsje’ of Langweer.
• During 'Langweer Culinary' (begin of July) you can enjoy the diversified dishes of the restaurants along de 'Buorren'. This is a street in Langweer along the waterside.
Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel