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©: FrieslandWonderland

The Frisian village Laaksum is a real insider tip and invites for letting your everyday life behind for a while. Do you want to find your peace of mind in a beautiful natural environment? Do you want to enjoy the sound of the sea? Do want to experience the refreshment of the clear water on a hot summer day or the breathtaking view of the ice sheets in winter time? If this is what you are seeking for, Laaksum is the perfect place for you.

Laaksum is well known for its fisher harbor, which is the smallest in whole Europe and is listed under monumental protection. However the little village has even more to offer. Due to the small number of inhabitants living in Laaksum a cozy and relaxing atmosphere is guaranteed. You will very soon feel as a part of a big family since the locals are very friendly and open minded which influences the authentic experience while staying in the village. When having coffee, a snack or dinner you should not miss to go to the family owned restaurant directly located at the harbor. Also the accommodations offer an authentic and familiar stay. There are houses as well as rooms available which are rented out by the locals.

For further information, please visit the website www.frieslandwonderland.nl or just simply visit Laaksum and experience the peaceful and cozy atmosphere yourself


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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