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©: FrieslandWonderland

More than just water!
Jirnsum is an authentic and idyllical village. You will be surprised by the discovery of the peace and quietness it radiates. A wonderful resting point during your sailing voyage!

Air-raid shelter
A visit to Jirnsum is very much worth your while. Just because this village is more than just water! Pay a visit to the Mennonite Church. In 1684 the church served as an air-raid shelter. Jirnsum is an ancient village, founded in the 7th or 8th century. The fact is that villages with names ending with –sum are founded during these centuries.

• In Jirnsum you will find the largest transmitting station of the Netherlands.
• The Dutch Protestant Church that was build in 1878. In the church you can find a Dam-organ from 1868.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel
NLP: Beleef Friesland

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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