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©: Hendrik van Kampen

Visit Harkema’s number one attraction that can’t be found in any other Friesian village. “De Spitkeet” is a theme park where visitors can get a firsthand look at how people lived in this area during 1850-1950. This place is unique because during those years the civilization was poor and didn’t have much to live on, which sets up for a great place to spend an afternoon with both cycling and walking tours to show the different types of houses and circumstances that these people had to deal with during such harsh times.

Harkema is a beautiful and cozy village in Friesland located almost exactly in between the cities of Leeuwarden and Groningen. This makes it a great place to travel to because it is only a short bus or car ride away from the big cities. Harkema’s small population it makes the village have a quiet and relaxing ambiance.

Harkema isn’t Fiji or Aruba, but it is the perfect opportunity to get away from all of the stress caused by work or life in the city. With two bed and breakfasts’ and a holiday house that provide you with the perfect stress relieving medicine, with seclusion, a beautiful garden, and the sense of reconnection with mans first love, the outdoors, giving you a home away from home feeling where you can just sit back with your favorite book by a fire or in a secret quiet spot you have discovered.

If the world of today has got you stressed or has you searching for who you really are then step outside of that world and into the world of Harkema, where financial statements and deadlines aren’t talked about, but the enjoyment of relaxation and the fascination of the past is. Come to the village of Harkema and find out for yourself how much a relief it is to have a place like this in the world still!


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: Hendrik van Kampen
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Nieuwe encyclopedie van Fryslân voor slechts € 29,90 incl. verzenden!

Bijna 8 kilogram aan kennis over Friesland! Wees er snel bij want op is op.

De Nieuwe Encyclopedie van Fryslân is een onmisbare aanvulling in de boekenkast voor iedereen die gek is van Fryslân en meer wil weten van deze provincie. Op 15 september 2016 verscheen de vierdelige encyclopedie die rond de 3000 pagina’s telt, 11.000 trefwoorden bevat en ruim 8 kilo weegt. De encyclopedie staat bomvol actuele kennis over Fryslân en is een echte pageturner geworden.

Voor al diegenen die dit standaardwerk over Fryslân altijd al hadden willen hebben! Nu voor een wel heel speciaal prijsje! Maar let op! Op = Op!