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©: FrieslandWonderland

Do you love quietness, natural landscapes and the simple pleasure of enjoying walking? Deinum has it all! Tiny routes along the old church will fulfill you with the mystery of the past, when you used to hear singing birds brightening your mood.

Being only 9 kilometers away from the vibrant and bustling Leeuwarden, Deinum offers great haven possibilities to people seeking traditional Dutch natural and cultural experiences. Bike routes connecting the Capital of Friesland with Deinum, allows you to discover the beauty of The Netherlands on your own journey. If you feel like taking a break, you can enjoy a traditional Dutch meal strengthen you for your exciting ride at It Holt Café. Do you prefer eating outdoor? There is also a possibility fitting your expectation: the Koningfeeldje invites you to picnic or having fun along with the nature.

The friendliness of Deinum’s inhabitants makes you enjoy the positive vibration of Friesland, which makes you feel special and willing to return.

If you want to know more about Deinum, please visit our website: www.deinumdorp.nl.


Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel
NLP: Doarpswurk

© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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