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Burdaard is a small village in the province of Friesland with approximately 1300 inhabitants. It is easy accessible via car or bus and oozees its very own charm. The village is a cosy and beautiful place to visit, especially, if one’s looking for calmness and peace. Further, the village is accessible via a bike path, which goes through the Frisian landscape. It is a very unique experience to travel to Burdaard on this way as you then have the possibility to see different Frisian villages, which all have their own allurement. Burdaard attracts with its cobbled streets, the town canal which is going right through the city centre and the two beautiful and very old windmills. “De Olifant” was built in Groningen and was then moved to Burdaard in 1867. The second mill, the so called “De Zwaluw” was built in 1987 and is still grinding on a daily basis. From May until October, the mill is open to public and can be visited if desired.
The inhabitants of Burdaard are very welcoming and friendly towards tourists and are always happy to help. Another important tool for welcoming tourists is the town canal as many of them come with their boats or even yachts to dock and spend some quality time in peace and harmony. The docking area is situated right next to the mill “De Zwaluw” and guarantees a beautiful view. More entertainment is offered by a movie theater, a swimming pool and the restaurants and cafés, which are located right next to the town canal to provide the best view of the village. If you need a break from your busy everyday life, visit Burdaard with its calm and peaceful atmosphere. Spend some time in harmony, relax between the views of the mills and enjoy a cup of coffee alongside the town canal.
Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel
NLP: Doarpswurk