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Drachten – definitely worth a visit!

In the middle of the Northern Holland, where the green fields end, starts the village called Drachten. Located between National Parks De Alde Feanen and Drents-Friese-Wold as well as Frisian lakes, Drachten is home for 45 000 people. Being the first city of the community Smallingerland, Drachten is part of the Frisian province.

Till the 17th century, Drachten never came up, as there were two areas: Noorderdracht and Zuiderdracht which were named after two small water courses. In 1641 the boom in Drachten began, as the Drachter Compagnons agreed on a contract in order to cut peat in the eastern part of the region. Around 800 people were working on this project and during this course of events the canal Compagnonsvaart developed. Furthermore, the number of workers rapidly exceeded the number of inhabitants of Drachten, as it started to be called. After the Second World War, the first industrial area has been established in Drachten. In 1950 Philips settled in Drachten, and though only 30 women started to work in a preliminary work space, the community enabled more and more halls and spaces to work. Thus, in the 70s there was one of the biggest Philips-establishments, as it provided work for 2500 people.

Being a village, Drachten seems to be rather a city, as it is well-known for its fun-shopping and dining facilities. Thus, one can say that a reason to visit Drachten can be fun-shopping, gastronomy and culture. The main street Zuiderbuurt not only combines cosiness and relaxation in its atmosphere but also provides a lot of possibilities to have delicious meals. If recreation and a peaceful time are desired, Drachten has a lot of beautiful and astonishing parks and forests which can be enjoyed.

Drachten has a lot of monuments to offer, whereas the most popular ones are Carillon and Standbeeld voor de Fierljepper at the Noorderhogeweg. Moreover, the element of water is very important in Drachten. For instance, Drachten is the birthplace for its Skutjes boats, hence it gives visitors the opportunity to relax and have a unique experience with friends or family. Additionally, it is really popular amongst locals and tourists, especially because of the annual competition Skûtsjesilen. Another famous attraction based on water is provided in De Welle, in forms of a subtropical swimming pool. Last but not least, De Naturij is a petting zoo including native and exotic animals, which attracts a lot of tourists and provides activities for children.

The cultural heritage of Drachten is represented by Museum Dr8888, where one can also find the art style of DADA by the famous Dutch artist Theo van Doesburg. The art style of DADA can especially be discovered and admired at the street Torenstraat, as there are a lot of colourful window-frames. Moreover, the theatre De Lawei is a cultural meeting point for comedy lovers, as famous comedians perform several times a year. Last but not least, the summer event Simmerdeis is a very popular attraction in Drachten, since it is an opportunity for new talents but also well-known Dutch artists to perform.

All in all, Drachten has surprisingly much to offer, as there are a lot of valuable, unique monuments and cultural attractions which still have an influence on the village. Thus, being a treasure of Friesland, Drachten has a lot of treasures itself.

If you are looking for a village, with cheerful and lively atmosphere: VISIT Drachten!

Jannum is a small and cosy Frisian village with an old Roman church built in the 14th century, surrounded by fields and farms, and the river Dokkumer Ee. In the summer the river comes to live, because of big and small ships, travelling through the fields of Friesland. The village has 60 inhabitants and a long history.

The village Jannum is built on a Warf, protecting it against flooding. History records show that it was first inhabited in the 13th century. Its church is built in a Roman gothic style and was part of the Klaarkamp monastery in the late medieval age. Moreover, behind the nave of the church, it is possible to visit the more than over 100 years older choir loft designed with outstanding brick features. While the church was restored in the 40’s, it was discovered that the nave of the church was formerly separated into two parts: one part for the clerics and other part the laic.

Today, the church is adopted by the Frisian Museum of Leeuwarden in order to protect the integrity. Furthermore, the church has changed into a museum and it holds a fine collection of medieval art and religious artefacts. Moreover, surrounding the church there are three small charming cottages, offering the possibility to spend a night in this unique scenery.

In the surrounding area the Klaarkamp monastery was built in the 12th century. It was the first monastery of the Cistercian Order. However, because of the reformation the catholic religion was forbidden and the monastery was closed and demolished. In these days it is still possible to see the remains of the incredible water systems, which the monks of the Klaarkamp monastery have created.

Also, Jannum is part of the legendary Elfstedentocht, which is an ice-skating event taking place when the canals of Friesland are frozen. During the unique ice-skating marathon, the athletes come by the town twice.

The city trip of a lifetime!

De Westereen is, a rather small but beautiful village of the municipality of Dantumadeel. De Westereen is easy accessible by car or by train, as there is a stopover between Leeuwarden and Groningen. It has a camping site as well as a harbor, both with some unique benefits. Situated in the Fryske Wâlden, De Westereen is surrounded by pastures, trees and water. Because of the remote location, this village is rather quiet and ideal for biking tours and hiking routes. There are endless opportunities where you can walk in the forest, through the pastures and along the rivers all while enjoying the breathtaking environment and quietness. In the evening, a local restaurant offers several kinds of activities.

The accommodations

Just outside of De Westereen lies the campsite de Kuikhorne. This family friendly camping site offers a great variety of stading places, for either camper, caravan or chalets. This camping site has a swimming pond, a playground and multiple activities such as horse riding, biking tours and hiking routes. Right next to the campsite there is the harbor of De Westereen. Both, during the winter and during the summer, you can harbor your boat there. Moreover, it is possible to hire a room on the harbor, with your own bedroom and kitchen. Lastly, this harbor provides the possibility to go on a canoe route. This gives an exclusive opportunity to see the Westereen from the water.

The Old Dutch

However, the crème de la crème of De Westereen lies in the local restaurant called the Old Dutch. This restaurant is located next to the train station and looks like any other typical restaurant, which prepares dinner for you. Though, this cozy and warm restaurant can also be used as a clubhouse and party centre. But above all, several times a week this restaurant offers a fun activity. “Crazy Casino”, “Ik hou van Holland” and “In de Bajes” are some of the activities the Old Dutch provides. De Westereen has it al. Quietness for those who want to escape from their busy lifes’, activities for all generations, a place to stay and above all a beautiful environment.

For more information please check the following links. http://www.dantumadiel.eu/wonen-verkeer-en-veiligheid/de-westereen_41511/ http://www.kuikhorne.nl/ http://www.old-dutch.com/

Oudemirdum Oudemirdum, or in the Frisian language Aldemardum, is a small village situated in the south west of Friesland. It only has 1321 inhabitants and it belongs to the region of Gaasterland. Oudemirdum is for example known for its stones, which you can still find all around the village. Those stones date back from the ice ages. They came along with all the ice from the Scandinavian countries, after the ice melted the stones were the remains.

Oudemirdum offers different attractions for its visitors. First of all in the centre of the village a beautiful church could be found. In the garden of the church there is a well-maintained cemetery with graves which date back to the beginning of the century. In front of the church the tourism information centre is situated which could give you lots of information about the region. If you leave the centre of the village, you could either go the a watchtower which is built on a little hill, to have a great view of the surrounding. You could also go to another major attraction of Oudemirdum, which is the Oudemirdumer Klif. This cliff is a nature area along the coast line of Friesland. The information which is provided at the site shows you for example which animals have been here and which are currently present. The cliff is also a still remaining evidence of the ice age. It dominates the coast of Oudemirdum already for approximately 200.000 years.

Close to Oudemirdumer Klif a recreation centre could be found. In this centre you could have a cup of coffee, having lunch or dinner and for the kids a large water park with different attractions is available. On the other side of the village, a wide nature area with woods could be found. This peaceful environment gives you the opportunity to completely relax and enjoy the nature. Beautiful cows are watching you while you walk around.

The last very important activity for Oudemirdum are bike trails. Next to the church one of the bike rental companies could be found. This company offers lots of different kind of bikes, from bikes for kids, to normal bikes and electric bikes. The price for the bikes is very reasonable and along with the bike you could have a map with a route which shows you all the important hotspots of the village.

All the activities that Oudemirdum and Oudemirdumer Klif have to offer are interesting for different kind of people. As the Dutch people would say: “voor ieder wat wils”. Which means something to do for everyone. The cliff has historical value as well as the stones which can find in the village.

Therefore it could be stated that Oudemirdum is an highly interesting place to visit! Please visit the website of Oudemirdum in order to get even more detailed information!

Wommels is an idyllic little village in Friesland, located southwest of the Frisian capital of Leeuwarden. It is a calm and peaceful place and its inhabitants are warm and forthcoming. At the same time it is very well connected to the busier city of Leeuwarden and Heerenveen. There are many things to do, depending on your preferences. You can fish, take out your boat for a canal cruise, visit the museum, eat in one of the restaurants or simply enjoy the vast outdoors around.

In more detail, the village used to be famous for its cheese. Two major milk and butter producers set up their factories in Wommels towards the end of the 19th century. One of the old cheese warehouses houses a museum explaining the story. Today the village relies mostly on agriculture and life stock, but is also home to young families, who want to escape more stressful and busy city life. . Every summer the city hosts a tournament in Kaatsen, a form of handball, which is unique to Friesland. Wommels has everything that is needed for life.

The village is a great destination for all outdoor lovers, relaxation seekers and culture fanatics, who really want to dive into the life happening at the location they are visiting. Wommels is a place that allows you just that and the friendly community you will encounter is proof enough. In addition it is a great place to stay when you are interested in the sea, it is not far off the Waddenzee coast.

In the end we can say: Don’t just take our word for it. Visit Wommels in order to see this amazingly beautiful and serene place yourself. We hope you will have an incredible and unforgettable experience! For more information you are more than welcome to look at our platform frieslandwonderland.nl (search Wommels) or call us under (+31) 9 758 631.


Balk is a small and charming village located in the south-west of Friesland in the municipality of Gaasterland. It is an inviting village close to the lake Slotermeer, which makes water sportsmen’s hearts leap for joy. Not only water sportsmen, but also sun and see lovers get their money worth on the close located beach. If you then follow the stream Luts rising from the Slotermeer, you end up in the heart of Balk. Here the 3800 inhabitants will warm-heartedly welcome you and invite you to have a look in one of the many diverse shops, to enjoy a coffee next to the canal or have a typical Dutch meal in one of the unique Frisian restaurants. Besides the culinary highlights, you can also enjoy the eye catching historical buildings such as the reformed church built in 1728 or the Roman-catholic church from the 18th century. Additionally, you can experience the imposing town hall built in the renaissance embellished with lion statues and a big clock tower on top. Oppositely located, you can find the monumentally protected post office constructed in 1878.

If you want to stay overnight, Balk provides a three star hotel called Teernstra, but nature lovers have the opportunity to sleep under the open sky at the campsite Marswal close to the Slotermeer. Moreover, the village offers a pension situated at the canal and many B&Bs placed within Balk.

In regard to activities, the endearing village has a variety to offer: You can rent bicycles to fiets around the village or in the nearby forest. Apart from this, you also have the possibility to rent boats and paddle on the canal Luts to the lake Slotermeer. Furthermore, there is the opportunity to sail on the lake and to have a refreshing swim in the just 1,20m deep water.

In winter, Balk is part of one immense event taking place in Friesland: The Elfstedentocht. Up to 17000 ice-skaters follow this tour which leads through the eleven historical cities of Friesland and of course Balk. Attracting approximately 1,5 million visitors this event should not be missed.

Therefore, this charismatic and pleasant village has a variety of activities and accommodations to offer which will satisfy all and sundry but especially seniors, families and nature lovers!

For further information call: 0513 – 415378 or 0519 – 220739 or else visit the website http://www.frieslandwonderland.nl

The beautiful little village Stiens is located in the North of Holland in the Province of Friesland. Approximately 7800 people are living in the quiet and green surrounding of the traditional Dutch landscape of wide fields, sheep and wind mills. Within this nice village it is impossible to not feel the spirit of traditional Holland.

This destination is perfectly situated in a natural surrounding in the near of the city Leeuwarden and therefore part of the municipality Leeuwarderadeel. The attractive city center of Stiens offers natural and cultural buildings reflecting the traditional site of the Dutch life style.

Stiens has perfect conditions for people interested in natural and cultural resources. The Sint Vituskerk builds the town center and represents the frisian history. Wide fields and bicycle routes serve the best environment for sportive people willing to hike, bike and enjoy the nature. In the city center are several opportunities to sleep, to drink and to eat. Several Restaurants, Bars or a Bed&Breakfast are available to relax or relish the stay in a nice Dutch atmosphere. With offering music nights and theater events the city attracts many different kinds of visitors spending the evening together. Furthermore a big variety of shops and boutiques seduce the visitors to spend a peaceful and harmonious day within the city center of Stiens.

The striking distance to Leeuwarden invites the visitors for daytrips to experience the busy city life. Finally it has to be said that Stiens is a destination offering services and resources for all different kinds of groups like families, couples or seniors. Everyone has to get the possibility in their lifetime to experience this kind of traditional Frisian life.

For more information please visit the website of the municipality of Leeuwarderadeel (www.Leeuwarderadeel.nl).

Thinking of a beautiful day in silence and a beautiful landscape? Visit Buitenpost, here you can find the combination of a bleary little town with little stores and the breathless pure nature. Buitenpost is easily accessible by train and by car, also there are some bus stops located in the village.

When walking through Buitenpost, a lot of cultural heritage can be visited, like the Maria church, a church from the 15th century located in the middle of the town.

Another possibility is to visit ‘’De Kruidhof’, which is a botanical garden with a huge variety of plants. The botanical garden is opened during the spring and summer months. More information of this botanical garden can be found on www.dekruidhof.nl.

The third place to visit is the windmill, when visiting this you will enjoy the amazing view of the windmill surrounded by meadows. This windmill has been restored in 1994 but is still unique because it has been replaced from Groningen to Buitenpost.

Another option is to visit the ice age museum with all kind of objects from the ice age. The museum also provides information for a longer stay in the region of Buitenpost, it is possible to stay at a bed & breakfast or a hotel, try the local products and visit the recommended restaurants. Are you interested in a longer stay in and around Buitenpost and be able to visit all the locations? Visit www.ijstijdenmuseum.nl for detailed information.

When you visited these interesting locations it is really pleasant to walk around the edge of the village and in the village as well, have a look at the surrounding meadows, old houses/farms, visit the local shops and enjoy a drink at the terrace, which you can find on the town square, which makes it an unique experience for the reason that this is the heart of the village. Curious?! Come and enjoy your time in Buitenpost!

Even though Hijum appears to be a relatively small village it has more to offer than expected. Located between Friesland’s capital Leeuwarden and the UNESCO World Heritage site, the Wadden Sea, Hijum offers its visitors a close distance to beautiful natural sceneries, as well as diverse cultural activities. Hijum itself originated in the early Middle Ages and still has two churches, from which one dates back to the 12th century and was dedicated to St. Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors. The village furthermore has several activities to offer, suitable for young and old. These include the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful day on the back of a horse or explore the nature in the saddle of a bike. The highlight at the end of the day could then be a delicious Frisian dinner in the local restaurant. For nature lovers Hijum offers the opportunity to go camping, for the others a cozy bed and breakfast is available. The annual highlight, which cannot be missed is the village festival organized by Hijum in cooperation with its neighbor village Finkum. During this festival, which normally lasts a weekend several fun activities can be found, which guarantee a great time for everybody. Here especially music-lovers get what they are looking for. Several cover bands each year entertain the visitors and the brave ones among them can even try their selves at “Hijum got talent”. However, what visitors, as well as residents appreciate the most about this charming village is its quietness and peaceful atmosphere. Hijum is the perfect place to break out of daily routine and enjoy a good time far from the stressful city life.

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