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De Nicolaaskerk staat op een scherp afgestoken, hoge terp en is daar aan het begin van de 13de eeuw totstandgekomen. De naar de dorpskom gerichte zuidzijde van het muurwerk is geheel met in de 19de eeuw aangebrachte en verschillende keren gerepareerde cementpleister besmeerd en vertoont zich hier niet van de boeiendste kant. Deze zijde heeft drie grote spitsboogvensters en boven de korfbogige ingang staat een vierde, kleiner exemplaar. Ook de halfronde koorsluiting is deels gepleisterd en voorzien van een spitsboogvenster. Aan de noord- en westzijde is het oorspronkelijke bouwmateriaal in het zicht gebleven: gele kloostermoppen die licht gemêleerd zijn met wat rood materiaal. Er is slechts één spitsboogvenster ingebroken. Er zijn geen sporen van vroegere vensters te ontdekken. maar wel, naast elkaar, twee dichtgemetselde ingangen. Een rondbogige die bij de oorspronkelijke kerk heeft behoord en een deels met kleine rode steen dichtgezette spitsbogige van later tijd. In de westelijke muur zit een klein lancetvenster.

De oude zadeldaktoren is in de 18de eeuw vervangen door een vrij gesloten houten geveltoren met een ingesnoerd spitsje die door een gepleisterd risaliet in de westgevel wordt ondersteund. In de toren hangt een luidklok die in 1619 door Hans Falck is gegoten.

Het interieur onder het wit geschilderde houten tongewelf met koof en trekstangen is eenvoudig. Er hangen fraaie olielampen uit de 19de eeuw en in de vloer ligt een aantal gebeeldhouwde grafzerken. Daarbij een priesterzerk voor Sibren Jacob, pastoor van Húns tot zijn dood in 1577. De preekstoel staat met het klankbord tegen de koorsluiting en heeft toogpanelen tussen gegroefde hoekzuilen en rolwerk bij het rugschot. Daarvoor staat het doophek met balusters en bollen en twee kerkbanken in dezelfde vormgeving, een ensemble dat nog uit de 17de eeuw dateert. In 1962, toen de kerk van het nabijgelegen Leons zou worden afgebroken – wat niet is gebeurd – is het orgel naar Húns overgebracht, een instrument dat omstreeks 1875 is gebouwd door Willem Hardorff uit Leeuwarden.

De toren is gebouwd in de 15de eeuw en gaat tot de gepaarde, korfbogige galmgaten onversneden op. Daar is een geringe verjonging. De geveltoppen aan weerszijden van het zadeldak zijn van een kleinere steen gemetseld en iets jonger. Een gedenksteen beneden in de toren vermeldt een vernieuwing in 1541. De oostelijke, naar het dorp gerichte top vertoont klimmende spitsbogige spaarnissen, de westelijke is vlak. In de westelijke gevel zit een klein spitsbogig venster. De windvaan toont het wapen van de vroegere grietenij Idaarderadeel. In de toren worden twee gevelversieringen van de in 1882 gesloopte Friesmastate bewaard. De kerk is in 1774 opnieuw opgetrokken; de gevelsteen boven de korfbogige ingang aan de noordzijde geeft aan dat het vierjarige zoontje van de grietman de eerste steen legde. Het is een ingetogen bouwwerk geworden met verdiepte muurvakken tussen lisenen en met korfbogige vensters, aan de noordzijde drie en aan de zuidzijde vier. Bij de blinde driezijdige sluiting staat een regenwaterbak.

Het interieur onder het houten tongewelf bevat nog een aantal elementen uit de vorige kerk. In de vloer liggen gebeeldhouwde zerken waaronder die voor grietman Carel Roorda (overleden 1670) en diens vrouw en dochtertje. Opmerkelijk is het fraaie geschilderde 17de-eeuwse kuifstuk, mogelijk van het rugschot van het vorige orgel, met voorstellingen van engelen rond de spreuk ‘Vrede zij God…’ en trompetstekende engeltjes met spreukbanden met ‘Halleluja’. Ook het schotwerk onder het orgel is 17de-eeuws. De door Dirk Embderveld vervaardigde herenbank van de familie Scheltinga is er tegenaan geplaatst. Het kuifstuk met wapens staat op een van de trekbalken. Friese bestuurscolleges maar ook de predikant en de schoolmeester-organist schonken de nieuwe kerk gebrandschilderde glazen. Ze zijn in 1774 vervaardigd door de Sneker glaskunstenaar Ype Staak. De preekstoel in de koorsluiting met eenvoudig gekorniste panelen is verschillende keren veranderd en van een nieuw klankbord voorzien.

Aan de wanden hangen (resten van) rouwkassen. Het orgel op de westgalerij is in 1806 gebouwd en is daarmee het eerste werkstuk van Luitje van Dam. Het is in 1886 aanzienlijk vergroot.

Kerk en toren zijn in de 13de eeuw gebouwd. De noordelijke muur en de toren, gebouwd van gemêleerd gele kloostermoppen, bleven bestaan. Het koor en de zuidelijke muur zijn in 1874 bij een vergroting vernieuwd en ook de toren onderging enige vernieuwing in 1852. De noordmuur van de kerk bezit aan de westzijde een romaans rondboogvenster met een luikje. Oostwaarts zit een moet van een dichtgemetseld venster van dit model. Laag in de gevel zit bovendien een rechthoekig spoor, mogelijk een weggewerkte ingang. De lange, vijfzijdig gesloten koorpartij heeft aan de noordzijde twee grote spitsboogvensters.

De vernieuwde zuidmuur bevat eveneens grote spitsboogvensters. Op de hoek van het dak staat een fraaie veelpuntige ster, de stralen zijn zelfs getordeerd. Over de herkomst is niets bekend, maar in de 18de eeuw is al sprake van deze ‘star’. De toren heeft aan beide zijden kleine aanbouwen voor nevenfuncties. De romp gaat onversneden op en boven de naald van het kerkdak zitten aan elke zijde kleine rondbogige galmgaten. De vernieuwde geveltoppen bij het zadeldak hebben afdeklijsten en pinakelbekroningen van kunststeen. In de westmuur staat de rechtgesloten ingang met een rondboogvenster erboven. In de toren hangt een luidklok die in 1612 is gegoten door Hendrik Wegewaert.

Inwendig heeft de kerk een houten tongewelf met trekbalken. In het middenpad lig-gen gebeeldhouwde grafstenen, waarvan een voor Botke van Burmania, overleden in 1553. De uit het midden van de 14de eeuw daterende altaarsteen van roze Bremer zandsteen is toepasselijk in gebruik genomen als blad van de avondmaaltafel. Tegen de oostelijke sluitwand staat de preekstoel uit het midden van de 17de eeuw met gegroefde hoekzuilen en gekorniste panelen. Het eiken doophek met dichte panelen en de kerkbanken zijn uit 1763. Aan de wand hangt het wapenrestant van een rouwbord voor een lid van de familie Burmania. Onder de vloer bij de preekstoel zit een regenwaterbak; een herinnering aan de kerkuitbreiding. In de orgelkas van de firma Standaard uit 1915 is in 1978 een Heyligersorgel geplaatst.

De kleine torenloze kerk van rode baksteen staat schilderachtig op een hoge, deels afgegraven terp van enkele eeuwen voor het begin van de jaartelling. Het koor is het oudst en dateert van omstreeks 1200. Het is rondgesloten maar aan de bovenzijde gaat de muur over in een achtzijdig systeem dat wordt geaccentueerd door bakstenen colonnetten. Laag staan drie kleine romaanse vensters in dit koor. Het weinig bredere schip kwam ongeveer een eeuw later, omstreeks 1300, tot stand in een duidelijke romano-gotische stijl met veel bakstenen sierwerk. Aan de koorzijde staan aan beide zijden smalle vensters met een meervoudig profiel met kraal in de dagkant vrij laag in de gevels. Ongeveer in het midden is in beide muren een vrij groot, driedelig venster- en nissenschema aangebracht. Het is meervoudig geprofileerd met onder meer een kraalrand en de velden zijn met metselmozaïek gevuld, kepervormig of vlechtwerk. De middelste nis bevat het venster. Meer naar het westen staat in de noordelijke muur de segmentvormig gesloten ingang in een geprofileerde rondboognis; in de zuidelijke muur is de nis spitsboogvormig. Ten westen daarvan zit in beide muren weer een dergelijke nis. In de westmuur bevinden zich kleine rondboogvensters met meervoudige profielen. Bij de restauratie van 1942-’44 is tegen de geveltop een klokkenstoel gehangen. De kerk was in steen overwelfd, maar bij de vernieuwing van de kap in de 16de eeuw zijn de koepelgewelven gesloopt. Tegen de wanden zijn de sporen nog te zien.

Na verval en restauratie heeft de kerk, lange tijd als uithof van het Fries Museum, gefunctioneerd als museum voor middeleeuwse kerkelijke kunst. Die functie heeft het nog steeds en er zijn onder meer grafzerken en sarcofagen te zien, waaronder een zeer vroege portretzerk. Verder kan men kapitelen bewonderen, een romaanse doopvont (begin 13de eeuw) afkomstig uit Jellum en aanzienlijke fragmenten van het koorhek uit Wons van roze Bremer zandsteen uit de 13de eeuw met voorstellingen van apostelen, Maria met Kind en florale versieringen, maskers en het Lam Gods.

Generally, the main reason why Hurdegaryp differs from other villages in the region is that there are many different natural and cultural assets, which make it an interesting destination for visitors not only from Friesland but across the Netherlands and beyond. As discovered during the excursion to the village, in which various interviews have been conducted, it quickly became clear that Hurdegaryp has a lot more to offer than previously expected. In fact, the village represents a certain historic background and offers a variety of possibilities for potential tourists to enjoy. Despite its small dimensions, the village was eager to develop a certain tourism infrastructure while maintaining a rural and authentic atmosphere. A few of the elementary facilities, which make the village an appealing destination, are directly constituted in the overall setting and scenery as well as the oftentimes unspoiled nature. Further, many tourists describe the village as a typical piece of Dutch architecture, culture and nature. In detail, these assets display an interesting option for certain target groups and furthermore consist of local architecture such as windmills, historic farm houses and the famous Elfstedentocht route, which can be followed by bike. In addition, another important aspect of Hurdegaryp as a potential tourism destination is the easy and convenient accessibility from major cities such as Groningen and Amsterdam, as well as the short travelling time to the Frisian capital of Leeuwarden, which is located just 11 kilometers west of the village. Especially Leeuwarden and its direct surroundings add upon the appeal of Hurdegaryp as it provides tourists of all target groups with certain amenities that make the stay more convenient and comfortable. Just outside of the village, tourists have the chance to visit places such as the interesting Aqua Zoo Friesland, the nearby located golf club De Groene Ster, as well as the natural habits Grote Wielen and Kleine Wielen, which offer a wide range of outdoor activities in an unspoiled natural setting. Furthermore, Hurdegaryp provides a diverse offer of different accommodation types that range from family-owned bed and breakfasts to rather upscale and high standard hotel chains such as the Van der Valk Hotel, which operates numerous locations across the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Besides its easily accessible connection to other cities when travelling by car. The village furthermore features a train station with regularly conducted services across Friesland and to major cities such as Groningen. International visitors who arrive at Schiphol Airport have the chance the easily access the village by one of the train connections towards Leeuwarden. In fact, Hurdegaryp displays an example of combined possibilities for tourism activity, as it is a suitable destination for various target groups. Firstly, the village is the perfect place for business tourists who are travelling to Leeuwarden for business related purposes. Hurdegaryp provides the tourist with a relaxed setting and atmosphere just outside the city border of the Frisian capital. In addition, the village displays a perfect resort for travellers who would like to stop during their long journey across Europe. Nevertheless, even longer stays with direct attention to the village itself are possible and assumed to be frequently requested in the future. It is a quiet yet multifaceted place and suitable for couples, families, seniors and even those who are looking for a rather different kind of tourism such as bird watching, hiking or history enthusiasts. In fact, the village commands a war memorial, which is frequently visited by International tourists. Despite the variety of features that tourists are able to enjoy in Hurdegaryp, it is also advisable to travel to adjacent villages and town, especially during longer stays. Hurdegaryp and its nearby located neighboring villages form the municipality of Tytsjerksteradiel with an approximated number of 10.000 inhabitants. Taking everything into consideration, Hurdegaryp is a charming little village in the outskirts of Leeuwarden, combining easy accessibility, qualitative accommodation and natural assets into a perfect getaway destination for nearly every target group.

A place that invites in every single facet with a host community, warmly and welcome.

Either with family or beloved ones, Minnertsga is a village worth visiting which gives more than the outward appearance seems to be.

It is a region with a population of around 1850 inhabitants which are part of a dynamic community. Located in the northern part of the Province of Friesland, in the Netherlands, Minnertsga can be identified as one of the oldest villages of Het Bildt municipality. Not without reasons, the region provides a hand full old history and culture assets as from former Frisian nobility. Old and young have the chance to explore historical and archaeological monuments that highlight the village. Due to its past, Minnertsga is still characterized by 13 protected and historic monumental listed, which is accessible for public. For instance “Meinardskerk”, a reformed church with corresponding graveyard and an eye catcher of the city.

This place will enchant with its charming atmosphere and cultural assets that allows walking around and finding their relaxation and inspiration. Moreover, it also offers the possibility to become active and engaged into the lively and dynamic place. Sport activities such as biking, soccer, tennis and hiking are just a few possibilities to mention. This in particular balances the idea of a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere combined with a good mix of event enjoyment. A yearly so called ‘’dorpsfeest’’, which is a local celebration that takes places in the city and attracts most of the citizens of Minnertsga. The village celebrates with decorated wagons which come with competition activities. A perfect opportunity to experience the culture life and live it.

Nij Beets is an idyll, petite village, perfect for nature lovers and families seeking for either relaxation or activity. The village which was originally founded by peat workers in 1863 is nowadays accommodating around 1700 inhabitants. It is situated in the municipality Opsterland, located in the centre of Friesland and radiates a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere, making Nij Beets an ideal environment to live in. Hence, its hardly surprising that this spot not only attracts but deeply satisfies its main population group of young families with children.

Besides the peacefulness of the village, the natural landscape of Nij Beets truly sets it apart and makes it so unique. The landscape is marked by the peat industry and the nobility, being heavily involved in the history of the region and accumulating forests and peatland in the village. Noted for the great variety in the natural environment, the location offers great cycling and hiking routes, accompanied by a lovely scenery. Moreover, Nij Beets also does not miss out on the one’s interested in history and culture, since numerous historic routes and museums, such as It Damshûs, invite to bestow an insight into the past and learn more about the village. Nij Beets supplementary welcomes visitors enjoying water based activities and outdoor activities by offering the opportunity to explore the region by boat along the channels in Opsterland, going horse riding with the children and appreciating a pretty sunset at the campsite while having BBQ in the surroundings of the beautiful, natural landscape. En passant, great friendships can be made with the warm-hearted locals during your visit, welcoming you on every occasion with pleasure.

So, if you desire an idyll yet vivid place for either relaxation or activity then Nij Beets would be the perfect option for you.

Feel free to visit our website for more information about this magic little village.

Visit Harkema’s number one attraction that can’t be found in any other Friesian village. “De Spitkeet” is a theme park where visitors can get a firsthand look at how people lived in this area during 1850-1950. This place is unique because during those years the civilization was poor and didn’t have much to live on, which sets up for a great place to spend an afternoon with both cycling and walking tours to show the different types of houses and circumstances that these people had to deal with during such harsh times.

Harkema is a beautiful and cozy village in Friesland located almost exactly in between the cities of Leeuwarden and Groningen. This makes it a great place to travel to because it is only a short bus or car ride away from the big cities. Harkema’s small population it makes the village have a quiet and relaxing ambiance.

Harkema isn’t Fiji or Aruba, but it is the perfect opportunity to get away from all of the stress caused by work or life in the city. With two bed and breakfasts’ and a holiday house that provide you with the perfect stress relieving medicine, with seclusion, a beautiful garden, and the sense of reconnection with mans first love, the outdoors, giving you a home away from home feeling where you can just sit back with your favorite book by a fire or in a secret quiet spot you have discovered.

If the world of today has got you stressed or has you searching for who you really are then step outside of that world and into the world of Harkema, where financial statements and deadlines aren’t talked about, but the enjoyment of relaxation and the fascination of the past is. Come to the village of Harkema and find out for yourself how much a relief it is to have a place like this in the world still!

Morra, a small village located in Friesland with a history that dates back to a time where the calculation of times was actually not established yet.

Back in the days, the land where the village is built upon today was swamp.

Nowadays, the charming town inhabits about 240 people who are mainly Frisians.

Impressive monumental farms and homesteads are embellishing the village in the north and the towns church, which has been established around the 13th century is glazing the centre of the village in its early gothic style and the world known Frisian abbey stones.

The inside of the building accommodates various coffins made out of marble from ancient times.

Next to that, it is surrounded by old Frisian houses and a street that imbeds the village which makes the town an attractive, peaceful place. Besides, the sounds of the working craftsmen in their sheds and the smell of serenity is giving Morra this exceptional authentic character.

The village has neither shops nor any accommodating facilities for visitors but only due to that the town contains this extraordinary undisturbed atmosphere.

The only noise that reaches the visitor´s ear is of passing cars from afar. This noise however reflects the village´s well connected location.

If you seek for a peaceful and silent ambience on your journey through the Frisian wonderland, Morra should be on your list to see how villagers live their daily lives.

When you are in Friesland, don’t forget about little villages like Morra. Their touching atmosphere will touch you and even without many touristic attractions, it will be an unforgettable visit.

For more information please see www.frieslandwonderland.nl or directly go to Morra. It is worth it!

Burdaard is a small village in the province of Friesland with approximately 1300 inhabitants. It is easy accessible via car or bus and oozees its very own charm. The village is a cosy and beautiful place to visit, especially, if one’s looking for calmness and peace. Further, the village is accessible via a bike path, which goes through the Frisian landscape. It is a very unique experience to travel to Burdaard on this way as you then have the possibility to see different Frisian villages, which all have their own allurement. Burdaard attracts with its cobbled streets, the town canal which is going right through the city centre and the two beautiful and very old windmills. “De Olifant” was built in Groningen and was then moved to Burdaard in 1867. The second mill, the so called “De Zwaluw” was built in 1987 and is still grinding on a daily basis. From May until October, the mill is open to public and can be visited if desired.

The inhabitants of Burdaard are very welcoming and friendly towards tourists and are always happy to help. Another important tool for welcoming tourists is the town canal as many of them come with their boats or even yachts to dock and spend some quality time in peace and harmony. The docking area is situated right next to the mill “De Zwaluw” and guarantees a beautiful view. More entertainment is offered by a movie theater, a swimming pool and the restaurants and cafés, which are located right next to the town canal to provide the best view of the village. If you need a break from your busy everyday life, visit Burdaard with its calm and peaceful atmosphere. Spend some time in harmony, relax between the views of the mills and enjoy a cup of coffee alongside the town canal.

We all know the feeling: you live in a busy city, you have a busy schedule and you are surrounded by busy people. This can trigger the desire to get away from this every day, busy city life. However, many people do not have the possibility to travel far for a peaceful environment. They do not have a car, do not have the time, do not have the patience or simply do not want take the effort. In this case, Marsum is the perfect location to visit.

Marsum is a Frisian village located 6 kilometers away from Leeuwarden (ten minutes by car). The village has 1085 inhabitants and is mainly characterized by its nice atmosphere, a kind character and many interesting cultural and the above mentioned historical attributes. Those historical attributes can be found in the historical centre of the village, representing the rich and interesting history of the village. These remainders include buildings, attractions and landmarks. One of the most significant historical possessions of Marsum is the church. It dates back from 1200, when it was dedicated to the holy Pontianus. The church is in good condition, as it has been frequently restored throughout the years and can be found. The church can be viewed in picture 2. Another one of Marsums treasures is the Poptaslot, which is a house that was built in the early 1500s. This building has served as a summer residence for its owner and a woman’s home for widows and other single woman and is so highly valued because it is one of the few houses that are still standing, dating back from that time. Picture 3 and 4 show the Poptaslot from different angels. The village is mainly characterized by its nice atmosphere, a kind character and many interesting cultural and the above mentioned historical attributes.

It is very advisable to visit Marsum. You will notice that you will enjoy the visit, just as many others have done already. The reason why visiting this village has pleased its former visitors is because of its small and kind character, the historical sightseeing possibilities and the location. All in all it can be said that a visit to Marsum should not be excluded from your to do list when living in/visiting the north of the Netherlands.

If you wish to receive any further information about this wonderful village, please feel free to visit our website, www.marssum.info

Have you ever tried to explore a city and get back home more tired than you were when you arrived? If the answer is yes, than you should start considering the beautiful rural landscape of Friesland starting from Goutum! The location of the village makes it one of the most appealing for visitors because it is the closest to the capital city of the province, Leeuwarden and it combines the city view on one side and the rural landscape of Goutum. The most important things you are missing right now are a little bit of quietness and time to relax. Why not start from Goutum? When to visit it? Goutum is all about landscape, atmosphere and authentic Dutch rural environment. All these can be enjoyed at anytime of the year starting from now! You can enjoy the horseback riding, a walk along the lakes, feeding the ducks and for the culture lovers, the core of the village is occupied by a tall, imposing church which can be of course visited. And things do not end up here. Goutum provides the facilities you need to make your stay here a pleasant and relaxing experience. Enjoy an evening in a nice restaurant trying the best Dutch specialities and take part of a show night offered by artists from Friesland or the Netherlands. Start exploring the nature of Friesland at the edge of its capital city! Nature, quietness, the authentic landscape and the possibility to enjoy a horse-back riding right in the heart of Friesland will make your stay here an unforgettable experience. You want to get to know the Frisian culture and at the same time have an entertaining break from your city? Of course you do! For more information go on frieslandwonderland.nl and book your nights right now! See you in Goutum!

Do you like to stay in a silent and historical environment? A place where you can enjoy the small crafts shops and the 16th century church? Discover the little village of Ternaard!

Ternaard is a small Frisian village in the municipality of Dongeradeel. It has a total of 1420 inhabitants and is located in the Northern part of Friesland

For cycling and other outdoor activities, Ternaard is situated perfectly in the middle of some touristic cities such as Dokkum and Leeuwarden. There are different opportunities for renting a bike at the local bike shops or at the hotel. Furthermore, as the village is located near the sea it is possible to do ‘wadlopen’ or just enjoy the sea. Wadlopen is one of the typical Dutch activities which can be done when the sea level is low, you can walk all the way through the sea and even find some small animals during your walk.

Hotel/Restaurant Herberg de Waard van Ternaard is located in the centre of Ternaard. The external appearance of the building is historical. However, the inside of the hotel is modern and peaceful. The restaurant is part of Fryslân culinair, which is a partnership between the best restaurant in Friesland. Moreover, it uses the local food to make the tourists familiar with the products of this area. Additionally, they are providing a certain amount of rentable bikes for the tourists. This hotel is the place to relax and enjoy some local food in a silent and modern atmosphere.

The small craft shops which are located at the middle street of Ternaard are part of the atmosphere of the village. Handmade products are made directly at the workroom and sold to the customers.

According to accommodation, Ternaard is offering a hotel, small holiday houses and a small campsite. Next to the small campsite is a play garden where the kids can enjoy playing in a safe and clean environment.

For further information about visiting and staying in the village go to the website of www.herbergdewaard.nl or to www.hetgroene-hart.nl.

Drogeham - Home away from home

Home away from home - that’s how it feels when visiting Drogeham, an idyllic village in the northeast of the Dutch province Friesland. The local people will welcome you with open arms and greet you just like their good old friends.

The charming Frisian village belongs to the municipality of Achtkarspelen and is surrounded by a picturesque landscape. The charm of Drogeham comes to the fore as soon as you find traces of history while discovering the village. The origin of Drogeham dates back to the Early Middle Ages and its 1000 years of existence were celebrated in 1980, though the exact date is not known. Being established on a high sand ridge, the Saint Nicholas church from 1200 overlooks the village from the highest point. The rural area and surrounding meadows reflect the major role agriculture has played in former times and still does. You can even have a glance at cute lambs right in the centre of the village.

Apart from its historical value, Drogeham attracts thousands of visitors each year in September for the Gondelvaart op Wielen, “a gondola ride on wheels”. This is a two day festival accompanied with a music programme and showcasing spectacularly decorated wagons. The impressive constructions can be several metres high and guarantee amazement among the spectators. This is a unique opportunity to spend two extraordinary evenings with family and friends so do not miss out on it!

Besides that, Drogeham enchants its visitors with its splendid landscapes and allows pure natural sensations – a must for cycling lovers! A network of cycling routes will guide you on a discovery tour through the typical Frisian landscape and its woodlands. You can enjoy marvellous views when the vast natural areas around Drogeham shine resplendent in the morning and evening sun.

Come to Drogeham – succumb to its charm, experience history and embrace nature!

Please visit our website for more information: http://www.drogeham.com/

Located in the southern heart of the Dutch province of Friesland, Heerenveen is the worldwide known home to the most prestige Thialf Ice Skate stadium. This prestige position is further substantiated through the success of the local first league soccer club, SC Heerenveen, and home to Olympic medalist Sven Kramer. Next to being known for its wide variety of sports offerings, Heerenveen shows many features of the rich traditional history going back until 1551. In the 17th century a commercial center was established. With the establishment of the railway in the first half of the 20th century, Heerenveen grew increasingly popular due to its accessibility. The aforementioned historic buildings can be found all over the city; especially the silhouette of the Catholic Heilige Geestkerk is the prestige symbol of Heerenveen and should not be missed when visiting. Furthermore, the lovely city center invites visitors to take a stroll through its narrow streets and its various shops. Moreover, the city is an ideal place for nature lovers as the Oranjewoud is part of Heerenveen which offers great opportunities for taking long relaxing walks or cycling. In the west of Heerenveen friends of water sports find everything to satisfy their needs and wishes, ranging from typical Frisian canals to quiet lakes. Lastly, Heerenveen is cultural delight with a variety of museums attracting ten thousands of visitors annually – ranging from the intimate and authentic theater in the heart of the city to the different art galleries. No matter the season, explore the traditional Elfstedentocht – Dutch for 11 city tour - during freezing cold winters or during warm summer days. This 200km long route can be successfully mastered on ice skates, bikes or by foot as it is a wonderful change of paste from the exhausting everyday life. We warmly welcome all guests from far or new, no matter the occasion, to visit the beautiful and charming city of Heerenveen.

In previous years Surhuisterveen was a marsh village part of Surhuizum. Nowadays, the renewed, independent and modern city shows many facilities for leisure amusement. It is still possible to get an insight of what it is based on. Handcrafters and marsh worker developed the village during its first years. This is the perfect place to taste the Friesian spirit.

Explore Surhuisterveen

As a visitor you have many opportunities to get through and around the city. It is a pleasure to take a bike to go through the wide green rural environment. The area enables everyone to go wherever you want to easily by visiting a reasonable cheap, domestic bike rental shop.

Many smaller, unique sites and monuments with their personal history behind the building represent the beautiful, old marsh village. Here, for example, churches are founded which are older than 200 years but still in really good conditions. Have you ever seen the Tuorke? The clock tower is well-known by all its inhabitants and they are proud of it. It is built up in the middle of the city center where it is accessible for everyone who passes by.

Another interesting spot is the museum of art and scene which present typical Dutch puppets. Everyone who has a favor for it has or has never seen such art should stop by.

Visitors are welcome by the 6000 open-minded locals to visit their village. It is enjoyable to walk around, have small chat with one of the locals or even take a seat in a bar or restaurant.

All in all, it is totally worth to come experiencing this harmonic place in the middle of Friesland to get an advantage of the unique attractions.


In the calm and peaceful pastures of the North-Netherlands, there is a small village called ‘Oudebildtzijl’ which is booming with a pleased atmosphere and a unique history. This could be your perfect destination to escape the pressures of the daily life!

In the year 1505 the dykes and the floodgate ‘De pyp’ were built which created the village Oudebildtzijl. Nowadays, Oudebildtzijl is a village which counts around 1000 inhabitants. The locals are very hostile and this also reflex at the atmosphere of Oudebildtzijl. The locals describe themselves as individuals with their own local products, activities and festivals. For instance the ‘Pypskoft’ festival and the village-festival which are taking place each other year. During the ‘Pypskoft’ festival there are many exhibitions and music which is made by local artists. Furthermore, Oudebildtzijl is not only appeal because of its cultural resources but also the great natural heritage which they possess. Oudebildtzijl is located at the beginning of the longest street of the Netherlands in a great natural area, this makes Oudebildtzijl very appealing for nature lovers, such as cyclers and birdwatchers. Oudebildtzijl offers a wide variety of cycle and canoe routes and has its own tourism centre which teaches about the history, and Oudebildtzijl nowadays. Also unique for the small size of the village is that it possesses two churches, two primary schools, a hostel ‘De witte klok’, a small private owned supermarket and a café. Nearby there is also a campsite located which therefore makes Oudebildtzijl appealing to all kind of target groups.

As mentioned before, even though Oudebildtzijl is a rather small village there are still plenty of things to experience. It is a great place to relax and come to your inner self again. Furthermore, Oudebildtzijl teaches about Dutch history but also specifically their own history.

If you are ready for a trip close to nature and a part of Dutch history you should defiantly visit Oudebildtzijl. This visit will not only be educational but also very relaxing, because of the good atmosphere and the feeling of being away from the pressures of the daily life.


Warns is a small village, but there is a lot of potential for the village to become a tourist destination. There are many quaint and unique features in Warns. One of the most unique selling points for Warns is the campground: de Weyde Blick. The campground is recently renovated and has beautiful rooms available for the guests. The main housing area can sleep twenty guests, and it is fully furnished with a common living room, a beautiful kitchen and a basement and playground where the children can play while the adults relax. There are other sleeping accommodations offered as well. Guests can rent out a mobile home on the property or choose to sleep in the furnished bungalows to get more of the camping atmosphere. There is also space for guests to rent if they bring along their own tent or motorhome where electricity and water is available. There is even an in ground pool that sits at the front of the campground for guests to take a dip to cool off when the sun is shining down in the summer months.


In addition from the campground it is only an approximately fifteen minutes walk away to the Ijsselmeer, where you can find the smallest harbor from Holland too on which you can sail. The village has a small touristic industry, there are a lot of business in the sailing boats and the village has one main restaurant. It is a very sporty village, since the paved road makes it easy to bike, skate and rollerblade. Furthermore, it is a little artist village as it has a theater and two artists resided. It is a good mix of people, some of them are raised in Warns and the other half has come to live in Warns. For instance, there is a couple living in Warns, but working in Detroit America. They made a documentary about teen mothers in Detroit and it is played in the theater. Next to that Warns is surrounded by ancient villages such as Stavoren, Workum and Gaasteland which provides differences in environment.


From the quaint and cozy campground to the beautiful view from the coast of the North Sea, Warns has a lot to offer tourist looking for a quiet and relaxing vacation. Taking a trip to Warns will be calming and remind the tourists of a simpler way of life. Locals will send a smile and a friendly greeting. The small supermarket and bakery give people the opportunity to pack a picnic for lunch while they sit under the sun. One nicely paved road runs through Warns making it easy for tourists to find their way throughout the village. During a walk through Warns, one will gaze at vast, lush green farm lands scattered with fluffy sheep. While walking towards the coast, the sea breeze will make one step back and take in the beauty of the village. Warns really is a breath of fresh air.


The camping has a website where guests can look at pictures, learn about the accommodations offered and even book their stay. The camping website is: http://www.deweydeblick.nl/

Are you looking for a beautiful, calm and relaxing place to spend a daytrip, or perhaps even longer? Then Gorredijk is the place to go for you!

Gorredijk is a village with little over 7,000 inhabitants, centrally located between Heerenveen and Drachten. In earlier times, Gorredijk was situated in the midst of a peat land. The peat industry was the main source of income for the villagers. A visible memory of the peat industry time is the canal that flows through the village. It was created between 1630 and 1830, for the discharging of the peat. The canal is nowadays part of the so called ‘peat route’, a recreational sailing route which covers part of south-east Friesland, Drenthe and Overijssel. Mainly during summertime, many tourists enjoy this route. Gorredijk is definitely worth a stop, when you are sailing the route. The village has much to offer tourists, such as the nature by which Gorredijk is surrounded. It is possible to go on bike and walking tours in the forests. Routes are available in one of the other popular tourist attractions of the village, Museum Opsterlân. The museum is situated in an old monumental school building, dating back to 1887. In the six former classrooms of the building, you can now find information and expositions about the history of the village and the community. You will also find information about the Jewish community Gorredijk once was, with an own synagogue and a Jewish cemetery. There are possibilities for tourists to get guided tours through the city, along these Jewish sights. Furthermore, Gorredijk has an art gallery, Gallery Hoogenbosch.

Gorredijk also offers many recreational activities. The center of Gorredijk provides very attractive shopping possibilities, together with cozy restaurants and bars, such as ‘De Grote Keizer’. Moreover, Gorredijk has a Sauna, Thermen Saunastate. Also various events are organized in the village, such as year markets, a winter fair and live music on specific evenings.

As you can see, Gorredijk has something to offer for everyone! Have you gotten enthusiastic about visiting the village? We hope to welcome you soon!

Oudega Wonderland

Are you looking for quiteness, nature and hospitality? Then take some time to read the following information about the beautiful village Oudega.

Oudega is located next to the ‘Kleine Merengebied’. This area has different fields and small lakes. It is very attractive because you can do water sports in this beautiful area. The most common water sports are sailing and wind surfing. It is also possible to do activities in the nature for example cycling, running or walking. The water, the reeds and the underlying polders are forming a beautiful nature.

There is also a beautiful church located which is called the Ankertsjerke church. This church is easily accessible for every visitor. You can visit this beautiful church in July and Augustus on Saturdays from 13:30 till 16:00. This church is located next to the bus stop which makes it very easy to find. The church is located at the Pastorijstrjitte 23. The residents of Oudega are also willing to provide information about the church and its history.

It can be stated that the inhabitants of Oudega (swf) are friendly and open towards tourists. The Frisians are in general proud of their province and are always willing to show why. The village counts 700 inhabitants. There is not an overload of tourists which makes the atmosphere intimate and peaceful. Take a moment during your visit and visit the local café/restaurant where you can have a chat with the locals.

Furthermore, the location of the village is perfectly suitable for water-sports, because it is located next to one of the most beautiful lakes of Friesland. There are different water-sport options: canoeing, sailing, surfing and rowing. There is also enough offer to rent boats or bicycles to go on an adventure. An highlight of Oudega (swf) is the water-sport camping ‘De Bearshoeke’, which is located directly to the lake. It is perfect for families that like water-sports because there are facilities for every age. In summer the small beach is available for cooling off in the lake. For more information visit: www.bearshoekel.nl or contact: 0515-469805.To hire a boat or a yacht, go to: http://www.jachtwerfbootsma.nl/ or contact the number: 0031 (0)515 469820

Oudega also offers typical Frisian products. There is a local supermarket which provides those products. This supermarket is easy to reach because it is located next to the bus stop and across the beautiful church. The owners of the shop are very friendly and they are showing that they are really proud of their Frisian products which encourages you to buy it. The shop is called Reijenga. Supermarkets like Lidl, Spar and C1000 can be found in the villages nearby Oudega.

Oudega can easily be reached by bus. There is a bus connection (bus 46)from Sneek to the centre of Oudega. The duration of this trip is approximately 20 minutes. The bus stops in the centre of Oudega. You are immediately close by the church, the local market and the beautiful nature. It is important to know that there are no buses going in the morning and in the evening during the week. This is not the case during the weekend.

This area is perfect for people who are looking for nature, rest and who wants to spend quality time together.

Beesterzwaag,the best place for relaxation.

Have you worked so hard that you are looking for a relaxation point? Then visit Beesterzwaag and take a walk along its beautiful forest listening to the romantic and sweet songs from the birds and the calm caressing breeze on you , opening your brain and making you relax and comfortable. Beesterzwaag as peaceful and charming as it is, has the best natural resources that will make you relax.

After relaxing at its beautiful forest and taking a walk across the beautiful streets with its awesome shops and restaurants why not try a new experience by rolling towards the golf field or the golf yard of Beesterzwaag; where its environment makes you feel as if you were in a paradise.

Moreover, at the center of the village with its well planned streets there is a very beautiful church build in a very curvy and Frisian manner. Also, the shops in the village have very unique products for example the Dutch wooden shoes and other typical Dutch products like Cheese.

Furthermore, there is a tourism information point at the middle of the village that will provide you all the qualitative information you will need to know about the village for example about its interesting history, culture and environment.

“Every busy person needs some relaxation in a pure natural area in his/her life time and Beesterzwaag offers you this great opportunity”. Do not be the last person to seek for relaxation in Beesterzwaag the best Frisian village.

For further information please contact tourism office Beesterzwaag.

Hoofdstraat 82
Wetterwille 5
Postbus 10.000
9244 ZP Beetsterzwaag

T (0512) 386 222
E gemeente@opsterland.nl

The harmonious but rocking sound of Ureterp.

A peaceful and quiet athmosphere can be found in Ureterp, a harmonious but active village located in the South of Drachten and easily accessible. The uniqueness of behaviour in between the locals makes this destination highly special. The familiar and restful aura makes one feel as a belonging habitat of the city.

Required shops to live a perfect and untroubled life can be found within the main street of the village, stretching through the whole destination. Whoever gathers for finding rest can therefore visit Ureterp and even experience the unique fact that locals provide stands in front of their yards and sell handmade local products for low reasonable prices.

Pay attention, this is not all yet. Ureterp is also special for its rocking sound, emerging from the festival Oerrock, taking place once a year within the summer. A huge amount of people goes there in order to enjoy several rockbands, barcebques as well as the get together with all locals. Herewith, tourists are likely to be seen and everybody celebrates to a wide extend.

If you are looking for an adventure during the high season, you can also take part in the annual Boot Camp whereas young and old join in order to raise their fitness. The major sportsgym and the natural resources surrounding the village have great potential to be used for sportive activities.

Ureterp offers the perfect balance between the enjoyment of people and the preservation of antique and worthy historic features.

Please feel free to visit Ureterp and experience the village to its fullest potential. For more information you can find the recommended links below: http://oerrock.nl/ http://www.oerterp.nl/

A peaceful place surrounded by water and nature

Eastermar is a small village with around 1600 inhabitants that is surrounded by nature and water.
It is located in northern-east of Friesland between Leeuwarden and Drachten, surrounded by green fields and two big lakes, the Burgumermeer and De Leien, that cheer the hearts of everyone who is in love with nature and water.
The historical village is thus not only easy reachable by car and bicycle, but also easy to reach by everyone who arrives by boat over the unique Frisian waterways. Eastermar provides its visitors a quiet and peaceful stay that is underlined through the beauty of its historical buildings and the natural resources around it.

The small elongated village consists out of two prior independent parts, It Heechsân and De Wal, and has its roots in medieval ages as an agricultural settlement. Within the 18th century, the village increased importance through peat extraction in the surroundings, as well as through its great connection to the Frisian waterways. The small canal and several old buildings situated in the village create an atmosphere of how life has been in ancient ages.

The centre of the village is defined by cosy houses and several small shops that offer essentials as well as local products. Moreover, the village comprises a pleasant hotel and guest house, a small quaint theatre and multiple possibilities to rest for dining and enjoying cold and warm drinks.

The small marina of Eastermar is located directly next to the village centre and can be seen as the hotspot of the village. It can act as the starting point to discover the beautiful nature of the Burgumermeer and De Leien by water, but also as the perfect ending point for a daytrip on the water. Visitors reach all important facilities in the village within a 2-minutes walk from the marina to the village centre.
Yet, not only boat owners and nature lovers get their moneys worth:
Fishing sport aficionados love the comprehensive abundance of fish in the surrounded waters and cyclists find a bike shop in Eastermar, where spares can be bought and bikes can be rented. In the warmer months, different village festivals take place in Eastermar, which attract people of all ages. The village mostly gets a warm place within the hearts of everyone who has ever visited it – this is also demonstrated by the international top model Doutzen Kroes who says to be a proud ex resident of Eastermar.

Eastermar is the perfect place for everyone who wants to get out of the stress and crowded streets of their daily lives in a city.
Enjoyment of nature and beautiful waterways, ancient buildings and a quaint village centre pour on the peaceful charm of Eastermar, which makes it definitely worth to visit this quiet and idyllic place within Friesland. The village provides its visitors all important facilities to enjoy their stay and leads them to leaving all their cares behind....

For further information about Eastermar, please take a look at the information provided on
www.frieslandwonderland.nl or visit the official websites
www.eastermar.nl and http://www.tip-eastermar.nl/

The local tourist information centre is open daily between 09.00 and 19.00 o clock and located at Beimastrjitte 53 in Eastermar.

©text: D.Schirrmacher, G.Stelwagen

Why do YOU have to go to Burgum? And why is Burgum so attractive for tourists? These main questions will definitely be answered in the following text, so just keep reading and try to find out. The beautiful city of Burgum provides many different activities in an outstanding landscape with a peaceful and calm environment. The most popular tourism attraction is the “Burgumer Mer” which is worth visiting due to its great offer in terms of activities. Sailing, canoeing, fishing, walking, trekking, biking and many other activities can be done in this lake area which is surrounded by forests and nature. It is highly recommended to relax with the boat or kayak in the water or maybe to visit other places and towns around the lake. Furthermore, two main beaches which are located nearby the lake and the camping ground invite for a sun bath or relaxing. The camping ground provides different facilities for sporting activities. Why don’t you come to Burgum for a camping holiday the next time? Beach volleyball is one of the most popular activities in the summer; where you can meet and socialize. Done with playing and relaxing? You definitely have to go to the shopping street of Burgum. The main street of the village is the perfect place to be. Many different shops are located around and extra tourist information will be offered in the sports shop at the end of the street nearby the HEMA. Some small boutiques can be found which doubtless offer you the newest trends for the season. When going around and exploring the city you will definitely meet local people, don’t hesitate to chat or ask questions – the inhabitants of Burgum are really open minded and very friendly. Relaxing and having a dinner in this peaceful town is highly recommended since several bars and smaller restaurants provide enough space and places. Furthermore, at the end of the main street the “Schoolstraat” will start. In this street the church Krustsjerke can be found. This church was built in the 10th century and also consists of its own cemetery. Another aspect which makes the city of Burgum so attractive are the cultural buildings and houses. Are you looking for some cultural aspects? The “Schoolstraat” and the “Lageweg” are the places to be. One of the most popular houses is the country house of the family Ferf. This house was built in 1855 and is located at the end of the “Schoolstraat”. More cultural buildings can be found in the “Lageweg”.

Oentsjerk, the town where rich history and beautiful nature meet.

Oentsjerk, a small town situated in the northern-east part of Frisian, has a lot to offer on both historical as well as natural front. The town is located in the region “Trijnwouden”, which has an interesting saga relating to the formation of its name. The saga is about a wealthy woman, called Catharina, who lived in this region with her seven sons. As the myth goes, had Catharina seven farms of which she gave one to each of her sons. These seven sons, named Oene; Gieke; Alde; Rypke; Wynse; Tiete; and Raede, farmed well and a town arose around the farms. These towns are known as Oentsjerk; Gytsjerk; Aldtsjerk; Rypstjerk; Wyns; Tytsjerk; and Readtsjerk. These towns are all situated in the region Trijnwouden, which names descends from the woman Catharina. Of which time this myth originates is not known.

Historic Oentsjerk

As mentioned before, Oentsjerk has a lot to offer on both historical as natural front. In the past Oentsjerk had five granges, of which now two are still standing. The two still existing granges are called Stania State and Unia State, when going to Oentsjerk be sure to take visit these two granges because they are absolutely worth the visit. Although Unia State (presumably dating back to the second half of the seventeenth century) is nowadays as a residential building, and therefore cannot be viewed from the inside, the architecture is beautiful to see. A sign near the grange provides information concerning Unia State. Unlike Unia State, Stania State (originally dating back to the beginning of the sixteenth century) is still open for visitors in the weekends. Stania State is currently the host for a nice restaurants; moreover, rooms can be rented for weddings, congresses etc.

Natural environment of Oentsjerk

Surrounding Stania State is one of the beautiful forests of Oentsjerk. Especially on a sunny day, this is a beautiful park to take a walk and enjoy the nature. East of Stania State is a small forest called: Kaetsjemuoibosk, this forest is mainly known by local inhabitants of Oentsjerk and surrounding villages. Kaetsjemuoibosk offers a nice walking trail of around one kilometre through the forest. A second park located in Oentsjerk is called Heemstra Park; this park used to belong to Heemstra State, but where Heemstra State was standing is nowadays a nursing home. An interesting thing to see in this park is the gravestone (dating from 1812) of the horse of a commander in the army of Napoleon.

A bit further outside of Oentsjerk are the forests Grikelân (Greece) and Turkije (Turkey). An interesting fact to know about these names is that Grikelân and Turkije are picked because the money needed to create these forests derived from Greek and Turkish governmental bonds. Grikelân and Turkije offer several opportunities for natural activities, for instance walking trails; biking route; or exploring the forest by horse.

Religious Oentsjerk

When looking at religious buildings in Oentsjerk, two churches are identified. The oldest church is the Mariakerk (Maria church), originally built in 1230; however, the Mariakerk has had many renovations and the interesting thing about this church is that the church is both used for catholic and Protestantism in its history. Nowadays it is a reformed church, with beautiful details in the stained glass windows. The second church is quite some years newer and is known as the Ontmoetingskerk (church of encounter). This church was built in 1874 and has been renovated a few times since then.

Visit Oentsjerk!

When being interested in nature and history, Oentsjerk is definitely a beautiful small town to visit. Because of the size it can be visited it can be visited in one day, which makes in a perfect day-trip. Although staying overnight in the bed & breakfast situated in Stania State is without doubt recommended, this makes you feel like a real nobleman or damsel.

Oentsjerk is easily accessible by car, or by bus (departing in Leeuwarden) so don’t wait any longer and come enjoy the calm, beautiful forests of Oentsjerk in the morning and end the day with a nice dinner in one of best kept granges of Frisian.

Drachten – definitely worth a visit!

In the middle of the Northern Holland, where the green fields end, starts the village called Drachten. Located between National Parks De Alde Feanen and Drents-Friese-Wold as well as Frisian lakes, Drachten is home for 45 000 people. Being the first city of the community Smallingerland, Drachten is part of the Frisian province.

Till the 17th century, Drachten never came up, as there were two areas: Noorderdracht and Zuiderdracht which were named after two small water courses. In 1641 the boom in Drachten began, as the Drachter Compagnons agreed on a contract in order to cut peat in the eastern part of the region. Around 800 people were working on this project and during this course of events the canal Compagnonsvaart developed. Furthermore, the number of workers rapidly exceeded the number of inhabitants of Drachten, as it started to be called. After the Second World War, the first industrial area has been established in Drachten. In 1950 Philips settled in Drachten, and though only 30 women started to work in a preliminary work space, the community enabled more and more halls and spaces to work. Thus, in the 70s there was one of the biggest Philips-establishments, as it provided work for 2500 people.

Being a village, Drachten seems to be rather a city, as it is well-known for its fun-shopping and dining facilities. Thus, one can say that a reason to visit Drachten can be fun-shopping, gastronomy and culture. The main street Zuiderbuurt not only combines cosiness and relaxation in its atmosphere but also provides a lot of possibilities to have delicious meals. If recreation and a peaceful time are desired, Drachten has a lot of beautiful and astonishing parks and forests which can be enjoyed.

Drachten has a lot of monuments to offer, whereas the most popular ones are Carillon and Standbeeld voor de Fierljepper at the Noorderhogeweg. Moreover, the element of water is very important in Drachten. For instance, Drachten is the birthplace for its Skutjes boats, hence it gives visitors the opportunity to relax and have a unique experience with friends or family. Additionally, it is really popular amongst locals and tourists, especially because of the annual competition Skûtsjesilen. Another famous attraction based on water is provided in De Welle, in forms of a subtropical swimming pool. Last but not least, De Naturij is a petting zoo including native and exotic animals, which attracts a lot of tourists and provides activities for children.

The cultural heritage of Drachten is represented by Museum Dr8888, where one can also find the art style of DADA by the famous Dutch artist Theo van Doesburg. The art style of DADA can especially be discovered and admired at the street Torenstraat, as there are a lot of colourful window-frames. Moreover, the theatre De Lawei is a cultural meeting point for comedy lovers, as famous comedians perform several times a year. Last but not least, the summer event Simmerdeis is a very popular attraction in Drachten, since it is an opportunity for new talents but also well-known Dutch artists to perform.

All in all, Drachten has surprisingly much to offer, as there are a lot of valuable, unique monuments and cultural attractions which still have an influence on the village. Thus, being a treasure of Friesland, Drachten has a lot of treasures itself.

If you are looking for a village, with cheerful and lively atmosphere: VISIT Drachten!

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Nieuwe encyclopedie van Fryslân voor slechts € 29,90 incl. verzenden!

Bijna 8 kilogram aan kennis over Friesland! Wees er snel bij want op is op.

De Nieuwe Encyclopedie van Fryslân is een onmisbare aanvulling in de boekenkast voor iedereen die gek is van Fryslân en meer wil weten van deze provincie. Op 15 september 2016 verscheen de vierdelige encyclopedie die rond de 3000 pagina’s telt, 11.000 trefwoorden bevat en ruim 8 kilo weegt. De encyclopedie staat bomvol actuele kennis over Fryslân en is een echte pageturner geworden.

Voor al diegenen die dit standaardwerk over Fryslân altijd al hadden willen hebben! Nu voor een wel heel speciaal prijsje! Maar let op! Op = Op!