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For many visitors, Friesland is synonymous with the water-rich southwest of the province. Friesland owes its fame as a water sports province par excellence to this beautiful area. And that is not surprising: an extensive system of lakes, ponds, and canals, a variety of cozy water sports locations and the IJsselmeer "just around the corner". A paradise for water sports enthusiasts! Often referred to as the "Friese merengebied"
But Southwest Friesland is much more than just water. Even without a boat, canoe or surfboard, the area is very worthwhile. The beautiful, wide lake area is also great for cycling, on foot or by car. Enjoy the silence, nature and the beautiful views.
You will find a completely different atmosphere in Gaasterland: a rolling landscape with a wonderful variety of forests, open areas and transitions between them. Unique for the Netherlands are the cliffs that in some places protrude up to ten meters above the IJsselmeer. In one of them, The Red Cliff, the famous Battle of Warns took place in 1345.
In addition to tranquility and space, excellent water sports, beautiful landscapes, and beautiful nature reserves, Southwest Friesland also has a rich cultural history. You will find no less than six of the Eleven Frisian cities here, each with its own charm: the bustling Sneek, the tranquil IJlst, the unique Sloten, the old Stavoren, the special Hindeloopen, and the quirky Workum.