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Rond het Bergumermeer

Rond het Bergumermeer
©: FrieslandWonderland

Friesland at its best: that is what many people think of the area around the Bergumermeer. And although of course subjective, there is much to be said for that qualification. The area to the east and northeast of the Bergumermeer forms the core area of ​​the National Landscape The Northern Frisian Woodlands. Long ago, from the northwestern slope of the Drents Plateau, the heathland and the lower peatlands were reclaimed here in elongated strips. "Dykswallen" were laid around the plots, earthen dikes on which trees were planted. A characteristic heathland and peat reclamation landscape was created, which is nowhere else as nicely preserved in the Netherlands as here. And nowhere else in Fríesland can you find the combination of such a small-scale, half-closed scenic landscape with the vastness of two lakes, the Bergumermeer, and De Leijen. The Bergumermeer is a natural lake that originated in the ice age. It is ideal for various forms of water sports. The lake is crossed by the Princess Margriet Kanaal. This Frisian part of the important shipping connection from Lemmer to Delfzijl was dug between 1949 and 1952. The Kuikhornstervaart, the Petsloot, and the Nieuwe Zwemmer form an important connection with the Lauwersmeer for pleasure boating.

The Leijen is a peat excavation from the seventeenth century. Due to the limited depth, the lake was only of significance for small water sports for a long time. The lake has been completely redesigned as part of the large-scale Frisian Lakes project (Friese Meren Project). Both the recreational opportunities and natural values ​​have been increased and restored. Gullies were dug to Rottevalle and between Opeinde and Eastermar. The peat excavated area is now part of the Lits-Lauwersmeer route, an attractive alternative boating route from the Frisian Lakes to the Lauwersmeer, which is also suitable for large motorboats.

The area also has a lot to offer for non-water sports enthusiasts and water sports enthusiasts that want to spend time ashore. The many small, quiet roads and unpaved paths through the beautiful scenery make the area a paradise for hikers, runners, cyclists, riders, mountain bikers and roller skaters. The cultural history is visible and palpable in the unspoilt landscape and authentic villages. And those who want to find out more about the former heathland reclamation and living conditions in the area can go to theme park De Spitkeet near Harkema.

In short, Bergumermeer and its surroundings have everything to offer for a pleasant stay; to nature lovers and peace seekers as well as to those who are looking for more action.



© Foto voorblad: FrieslandWonderland
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