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©: Bauke Folkertsma

Hindeloopen is a remarkable city and thanks its richness to seafaring. However, the city did not have a harbour. The settlement became a city due to the mercantile marine for especially the traders from Amsterdam. Hindeloopen took part in the Hanze alliance which resulted in a flourishing business with Scandinavia, the Baltic countries and England since the 14th century.

Hindeloopen is surrounded by the old Zuiderzeedijk. Near the small harbour is the rescue shed of the KNMR. When walking further, one can see the irregular buildings and a crisscross of streets, waters and alleys. The commander houses possess sophisticated front walls with mostly two horizontal masonry braid structures in the colours red and yellow. The most beautiful commandant house can be found on the corner of the Neighbors and the small canal of the Nieuwe Weg. Houses built in the same style are along the Nieuwstad. For instance, on the corner of the Nieuwstad and the Meenscharsteeg. A building named Irene was built in 1714 and has been rebuilt in 1930. At the Meenscharswiken are still a few ‘likhuzen’, which are small summer houses where families lived in times when captains and skippers were at sea. Another interesting aspect of Hindeloopen is the interior painting art. For instance, a house on the Nieuwe Weide 14 shows wall paintings of among other things the folkloric costumes of Hindeloopen. Hindeloopen is famous for its traditions. The folkloric costumes is still worn by special happenings.The inhabitants have their own language with even their own vocabulary. Regarding this, the street name signs are bilingual. The culture of Hindeloopen is exposed in the Museum Hidde Nijland in the former city hall that was built in 1682. Guests visiting the museum can admire the remained old carve and painting art based on Renaissance decoration patterns. The reformed church is established on the western edge of the city and is rebuilt in 1632 into a bigger building.The biggest house of Hindeloopen is the former city hall standing on the corner of two canals along the Nieuwe Weide. This eminent building was built in the style of Lodewijk XVI in the late 18th century. The post-war city expansion took place in the south of Hindeloopen. Nowadays, a new recreation harbour in the north of Hindeloopen is established.

This unique city accommodates different shops, terraces and two museums. One of them is the First Frisian Ice-skating museum which is worth visiting. One can discover the many treasures of Hindeloopen and surroundings by foot, bike or car. Nature, marvelous landscapes and peace, Hindeloopen has it all!




Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: Bauke Folkertsma
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