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11fountains - Workum - De Woeste Leeuwen van Workum
The fountain in Workum is called ’Woeste Leeuwen van Workum’ (The fierce lions of Workum). The fountain is situated hidden behind the imposing church building in the center of the city, directly on the new passers-by harbor.
The artist Cornelia Parker was inspired by the city coat of arms of Workum that is carried by two lions It seems as if the lions have just put down the coat of arms to engage in fight with because the contour of the city coat of arms has been incorporated into the pavement around the fountain with blue clinkers bricks.
The lions spew water from their claws. The children of Workum are not put off by the claws and the fierce gaze. In warm weather, the fountain is one of the best places in town for a refreshing shower.