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Nationaal Park het Drents Friese Wold

Nationaal Park het Drents Friese Wold
©: Hendrik van Kampen

In the southeastern part of Friesland and the western part of Drenthe you will find the beautiful Drents-Friese Wold. This area, which covers more than 6,000 hectares, was designated as a National Park in 2000 and is also designated as a Natura 2000 area (protected nature area). After the Hoge Veluwe, the Drents-Friese Wold is the largest contiguous forest area in the Netherlands. In this spacious forest area, you will find extensive peat and heathland landscapes, swamp and drifting sand areas, brook valley grasslands and beautiful forests. The area is perfect for a nice cycling or walking holiday. You will immediately recognize the typical landscape of villages, the bulbous fields around the small villages that are accompanied by vast heaths and stream valleys full of blooming flowers. Also an ideal area for nature lovers or people who are looking for peace and quiet.

There are numerous activities to undertake and experience, such as forest walks with the forester and various workshops. You can also experience a bit of history and take a look at the Dolmen of Diever. All in all, the Drents-Friese Wold is a wonderful place for a peaceful holiday. And it is certainly worthwhile for a nice day of cycling or walking in this beautiful and natural area.

© Foto voorblad: Hendrik van Kampen
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