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©: Bauke Folkertsma

Bolsward is more than worth a visit! This magnificent city possessed during the Middle Ages a direct connection with the Middelsee and the Zuiderzee and was one of the two Frisian Hanseatic cities. The big boost the city of Bolsward experienced because of its internationally trade relations, is still reflected, inter alia, through the in 1615 built beautiful and rich decorated town house. Another striking building is the ruin of the 13th Century local Church which burned down in 1980. Due to the magnificent glass roof above the ruins, the church is still used for meetings, concerts or the like. But many other buildings in Bolsward are worth a visit too. It is the overall picture, that makes Bolsward so special. See for yourself and feel the historic atmosphere, convert it through the narrow alleys and streets, visit the different and in their own special fashion shops and rest in one of the lovely café’s. In addition, the city has some interesting museums. The distillery is established in which the famous Sonnema Berenburg is brewed. Furthermore, throughout the year a variety of events are held throughout the city.

The sumptuous surroundings of Bolsward also invites you to a trip or just a bicycle ride. A trip to the Frisian Sea, or the IJselmeer for example. And even trips to Vlieland or Terschelling are no problem when staying in Bolsward. Or do you prefer some of the other ’Elfsteden-cities’? Workum, Sneek and IJlst are just around the corner and Hindeloopen, Harlingen, Franeker and Leeuwarden can be reached by car within half an hour.

Conclusively, Bolsward is a good base from which to explore the most scenic part of Friesland. The city warmly welcomes you!




FrieslandWonderland + Uitgeverij: NoordBoek - Auteur: Peter Karstkarel

© Foto voorblad: Bauke Folkertsma
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    Nieuwe encyclopedie van Fryslân voor slechts € 29,90 incl. verzenden!

    Bijna 8 kilogram aan kennis over Friesland! Wees er snel bij want op is op.

    De Nieuwe Encyclopedie van Fryslân is een onmisbare aanvulling in de boekenkast voor iedereen die gek is van Fryslân en meer wil weten van deze provincie. Op 15 september 2016 verscheen de vierdelige encyclopedie die rond de 3000 pagina’s telt, 11.000 trefwoorden bevat en ruim 8 kilo weegt. De encyclopedie staat bomvol actuele kennis over Fryslân en is een echte pageturner geworden.

    Voor al diegenen die dit standaardwerk over Fryslân altijd al hadden willen hebben! Nu voor een wel heel speciaal prijsje! Maar let op! Op = Op!